The War, Pt. 1

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Warning: Violence and swearing

       Decorated in black, yellow and red war paint, I flew to the left of Jake, upon the back of Phobos. I was to Tsu'tey's right. I fixed my headpiece into place, it was almost exactly like to Neytiri's, but the main piece of mine was black, not brown.
       I turned on the tiny com around my throat, and nodded at Jake,showing him that I was ready. Tsu'tey and Neytiri did the same when Jake looked at them.
       I listened closely to anything in a couple miles radius and smirked, raising my hand to click on a button there.
       "There are soldiers landing on the ground below, I hear the clanking of metal, so s see one are in those armored suits, others are vulnerable to attacks. They'll be able to tell what what is coming when they're on the ground, but the vortex will mess with their gear. They are also checking over them, and watching their thermal scans. Pretty Princess is heading closer, there are gun crews prepared on top of the biggest aircraft." I warned Jake, bud he nodded in thanks, plus, he had a brief amused smiled. Listening again, I perked up.
       "They have their target in sight, their range is four clicks, and preparing to get ready. They are rolling bombs up to the ramp. Make sure those on the ground dodge and weave, don't let them run straight into gunfire, have those Hammerheads' in the front. They'll block those on direhorse from being hit. Eywa will help us if she's needed." I notified sternly, hearing that the soldiers saw heat signatures from those on the ground.
       We then began diving towards the aircrafts below us with the clans following our lead. Making a swift sneak attack in the air.
       I smirked when Phobos latched onto an aircraft, and swung it into a floating mountain. Looking over, Jake had done the same thing to another one. Tsu'tey and Neytiri strikes through the windshields of the aircrafts above us.
       I decided to head up to my mate, fighting together. My memory of this moment, from when I imprinted, had momentarily distracted me. Yet I continued on, focusing on my task.
       Noting that those on the ground were doing just fine, the hammerhead riders having did a great job in helping protect those on foot or by direhorse. Yet I noticed Quaritch sent out the Scorpions to attack.
       I lead a large group behind me and five, knocking out each one, before they could reach those below. They were weak to our air attacks, and I wouldn't let them make a hit.
       Grinning, I managed to hear Quaritch's curses. I get onto Phobos to meet up with Jake, when the pretty princess spotted him on his Toruk.  Ordering his lackey's to open fire at my friend.
       Suddenly, I noticed Neytiri being chased, so I dove for her with Phobos, his talons latching onto the rogue Scorpion shooting after her, and throwing it into a cliff side. Watching it explode, I smiled in relief when she escaped on Seze, hiding in the trees.
       I cheered for Trudy when she appeared and fired shots over the back of Quaritch's aircraft, and proceeded to distract them from Jake. I watched her dodge and weave between floating boulders and mountains, firing right back at the angry princess.
       Though she got hit and started going down. My eyes widened in shock, before I went after her. Briefly, I looked over and saw Tsu'tey jumping off of Rangi, and onto the ramp of an enemy aircraft.
       I screamed when he was shot, and watched him fall off of the ramp, going into a free fall.
       Instantly, I ordered some Omaticaya warriors to go catch him since I had to save Trudy from being shot too. I wanted them to bring Tsu'tey to safety after catching him, and get him to medical attention immediately.
       I dive straight down for Trudy with Phobos when I saw her being targeted by Quaritch. I saw the missile heading directly at her. So I screamed through the com for her to jump out. I heard her confirm and obey my directions, and saw her free fall towards the ground.
        The missile meets its target with her aircraft, while Phobos kept his dive for Trudy. She had yanked on her oxides mask whilst she fell, before my companion caught her in his talons.
       "Trudy!! Are you okay?!" I demanded, and sighed in relief when she had responded with a positive answer.
       "You damn smart bitch!" Trudy laughed through the coms, while I handed her to a na'vi from another clan, who was hovering on an ikran, near Phobos.
       "Take her to the Tree of Souls, have her stay with Grace Augustine." I ordered, before I went up to Jake when he tried to contact our friends.
       "Neytiri is fine, last I saw. I don't know about Norm, Trudy is being taken to Grace, and...T...Tsu'tey was shot..." My lip trembled as I struggled to hold back a sob, my throat straining from the constricting feeling of despair that I felt. Jake looked over at my pained expression.
       "There's a chance that he's still alive, hold on to that hope. Cmon, we have a war to win." He reached over and we clasped our hands together.
       "Do you have some intel on Quaritch? What's going on?" He asked, and I firmly nodded.
       "He's notifying those on Valkyrie 1-6, the biggest airship with the bombs, that they are clear and ready to start their bomb run. They're arming them as we speak." I answered, before Jake got a reading on Neytiri. Listening in, I heard her say that Seze was injured and in hiding, and that the remaining soldiers were very close to her. The Hammerheads with dead riders had run off back to their herds, and the Na'vi on direhorse were being killed left and right.
       "Do not attack. Do you read me, Neytiri? Do not attack! Fall back now. Get out of there! That's an order! Neytiri!" Jake said sternly, though he was worrying over the choice that his mate would take, knowing her well enough that she'd fight.
       I listened for where she could be, when I heard the soldiers catching a large thermal reading. 200 meters away from where they were. The HammerHead Titanotheres had gone back to get their herd. Eywa was helping us, all the animals were helping us win the fight!
       "Jake. Eywa has heard you. Eywa has heard you!" Neytiri raspily cheered as we heard the shrieks of thousands of ikrans attacking our enemy.
       Jake grinned and dove away from me with his Toruk, as I watched the tables turn back over to us. For a moment, I heard Neytiri get into contact with an unfamiliar palulukan, yet I smiled excitedly. Seems like she'll become Palulukan Makto as well.
       I turned and listened for any sign of Norm, though I did not catch the scent of his avatar, instead I smelled his human one. His avatar must have been shot...
       "Norm, do not rejoin the fight..." I mumbled to myself, having Phobos descend to the ground, where I made a shrieking call for Khione. When she came, she walked over, and let me stroke her head as I got off of my Toruk. I disconnected with Phobos and instead connected queues with Khione.
       "I have a job for you, my snowstorm. Look for my friend, Norm, take him to the Tree of Souls." I showed her a memory of what his human form looked like, before I detached from our bond.
       I watched as she ran off in search for him, using my memory of his scent to track him, whilst I returned to Phobos. Together, we return to the sky.
       Seeing Jake heading for Valkyrie 1-6, I noticed that they were about to drop the bombs. Luckily, Jake had exploded a vital area, and made it tip away from its target; Exploding on the ground, away from the Tree of Souls. I saw him land on Quaritch's aircraft, and I got into position; Waiting for the princess himself to make an appearance, for when he'd move to stop Jake.
       Unfortunately, what wasn't planned, was when the ship lurched, tipping to the side. Jake falls over, and nearly falls off of the machine. Though one of his grenades had gone off where it had gotten stuck at, blowing a hole into it. Pandora air sneaks it's way inside, while I watched Jake hold on for dear life, while he makes his way back up with one of the missiles.
       As he goes to throw it, Quaritch pops out of his dear mole hole. Phobos dived as instructed, moving to dove bomb him.
       His shots missed Jake, though the missile did not miss the propellers, making it detonate, and hit the princess against the aircraft. ' Bye bye battleship' I snickered in my head, before looking away.
       My attention now focused on Jake, who was falling. I took note of the leaves below, knowing he wouldn't miss his chance to use what Neytiri taught him. Those will break his fall, so he wouldn't get hurt  much.
       I smiled when I heard him land safely, and stumble about, before he watched Quaritch's aircraft go down.
       Sad to say, that Quaritch escapes in his battle armor, making me grit my teeth in frustration. Phobos shrieked, sending my anger that this damned man was still alive.
       I see what direction he was heading and hissed, he was heading straight for the unit that our real bodies were inside. Phobos and I head down to land, and I let him fly away when we did. I made a deep throaty call, and Kratos rushed in my direction after hearing it, from where he was at in the distance. 
       When in sight, he did not stop, I jumped onto his back whilst he was still in motion, and connected our  queues as we ran after Quaritch.
       "Sabelle!" The voice of Neytiri called out, and she ran beside me on her Thanator, making me smirk. Yet I noticed Kratos' nervousness of being so close to a predator. I reassured that he was safe, before looking at Neytiri.
       "Feels great doesn't it? He's gorgeous." I mused, before we continued in our pursuit of Quaritch together, following his trail with ease.
       When we got further ahead, I see the bastard about ready to shoot through the glass of the unit, when he caught sight of Neytiri and her palulukan in his mirror. He swung around just as her Thanatos landed on him, before it got off to attack.
       I dropped off of Kratos, sending him away from the area, so he wouldn't be killed. Moving up to the treetops, I wait for my chance for a sneak attack, as my friend and that rat fought against each other. I smirked when Neytiri and her mount broke Quaritch's gun, but he punched the palulukan in the face, throwing them up against a tree, before pulling out a knife.
       "Come on. Come to papa." He taunted, and i grimaced at his smirk. Though my eyes widened when Neytiri took the bait easily.
       "No!" I yelled when the pair charged at him, only for the Thanator to be stabbed several times, then thrown with Neytiri trapped underneath the creature, just as Quaritch killed the poor animal with no remorse.
       When he moved to kill Neytiri, I leapt at him and knocked him and his suit away from her, crouching in front of Neytiri defensively.
       "Forget about me already princess?" I mocked, and I smirked when I saw him grind his teeth together. He prepared to rush at me, before Jake appeared behind him, catching his attention instead.
       "Give it up, Quaritch! It's all over." Jake announced, watching him closely.
       "Nothing's over while I'm breathing." Quaritch retorts angrily, Jake and I shared a brief smile.
       "We kind of hoped you'd say that." Jake remarked before charging, grabbing the blades piece that was snapped off of Quaritch's broken gun.
       "Oh this'll be fun~" I smiled while I ran to help my friend defend against our opponent. Together, Jake defended while I attacked with unmatched speed and accuracy. Quickly ripping through the bastard's suit, before suddenly bring thrown off of it.
       I see Jake disarm the knife Quaritch held, with the broken piece Jake possessed, bashing the blade against the small window of the armored suit. I sprung up and kicked out my legs against the back of the suit, roughly pushing Quaritch forward into position, where Jake jumped, and drives the blade through the window in front of Quaritch.
       Yanking Jake away, I made sure he wouldn't be caught by the bastard trying to grab him.
       The weapon left a hole in the glass, and Quaritch held his breath when he pulled it out. He then threw it against the window of the unit, cracking it. I glanced at it with concern, worried about Jake as his body was the most vulnerable in there, he would die from the Pandoran air.
       Even with this knowledge, Jake went to fight him since Quaritch couldn't see through the cracks in the glass window. So he ejected it and pulled on his oxygen mask so he could breathe.
       "Hey Sully, Black, how's it feel to betray your own race? You think you're one of them? Time to wake up." He spoke, though Jake hissed at him in response. I stared at Quaritch directly in the eye as I stood in his way, when he had turned to try and go after the unit.
       "It's hard to betray a race that we don't belong to. Humanity only creates death and destruction wherever they please, while the Na'vi protect and defend. Also I'm not a pathetic human like you!" I snarled, confusing the man in the suit as I attacked, ripping off one of his metal arms of his suit with ease. Yet he managed to knock me off to the side, and punch through the glass of the unit.
       His fist slams down on Norm's empty link, so he turns to move to the next one, but Jake latched onto the back of his suit. The two struggle, before my friend drives his knife down, missing Quaritch's shoulder, and it instead lodged itself above that area. 
       The son of a bitch then grabbed and threw Jake off of him by his braid. Jake struggled with his real body trying to get oxygen, doing his best to fight back whilst I helped defend Jake.
       Unfortunately, Quaritch finally managed to grab my friends braid again, lifting him up to dangle Jake in front of him. I lunged your attack Quaritch and knocked my fist against his cheek, breaking his jaw instantly. Even though the bastard was struck, he had retaliated and pulled out Jake's knife, striking the sharp edge across my face.
       My scream alarmed Neytiri, whilst Jske was struggling to stay awake in his avatar form, barely comprehending that I was hurt.
       The pain and blood was enough to blind me, so in order to save Jake...I left my avatar...

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