Oh My Eywa

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Warning: Minor Swearing

      The next morning, Jake got linked up. He said that he had no plan, but the look in his eyes told me something else.
       By the time he was back, it was sunset. He had been accepted by the tribe, as he had bonded with an adult Toruk. I was proud of that.
       He returned with me in his arms, Grace looking around and commenting that she needed to take some samples. She was walking beside Norm, who carried my limp avatar.
       Neytiri was behind Jake, and Tsu'tey met us in the middle of the waiting Na'vi. Jake looked at me for permission, before handing my small body, covered in green flora, to Tsu'tey.
       My head rested over the crook of his arm, too tired to even look at him on my own. Though I felt his fingers lift my chin, my harsh gaze softening for a moment when I saw his heartbroken gaze.
       "I see you, ma Belle." Tsu'tey rasped, carrying me over to Mo'at, and near my avatar. I smiled a bit when I got a good look at her, and she smiled in return.
       I mildly freaked out when my avatar body, and my real body, were slowly being covered in what seemed to be glowing strands of roots. I decided to focus on my friends, who had crowded around me.
       I heard my mate hovering close behind me, his heartbeat betraying him, as it revealed his anxiety.
       "The Great Mother may choose to save all that she is, in this body." Mo'at raised her hands over my avatar.
       "Is that possible?" Jake asked as he stayed beside Neytiri.
       "She must pass through the eye of Eywa, and return. But, Jakesully, she is weak. Yet we still have time left." Mo'at answers.
       "Hang on, Sabelle. They're gonna fix you up." He placed a hand on my shoulder, and I felt Tsu'tey's large hand over my head. I jokingly scoffed.
       "I already told you, Jake, that I'm not going to die anytime soon, jerk." I retorted with a faint smile, before closing my eyes when Mo'at began her prayer to Eywa.

       "Hello again, little one." Came her voice. I looked around the black plains of nothing, before a glow steadily walked towards me, and even though I could not yet see what she actually looked like from the blinding light, I could sense her energy.
       "Eywa..." I responded, feeling the glow touch my cheek.
       "You done well, but it is not yet your time. We still have work to do together." Even with those words, and not being able to see what she looked like exactly, I could sense that she was smiling. In some way it confuses me.
       "I feel like I could've done more, so many were still lost to the Sky People." I reminded, feeling guilt of what occurred not too long ago. I felt my head being lifted up, sending her aura of reassurance.
       "Do not feel guilty, little one. They are all with me now, safe and happy. They did not feel pain." She consoles, and I knew she wouldn't lie about something like that.
       "Thank you." I smiled, a few tears at the corners of my eyes ready to fall, though I felt her light wipe them away.
       "Come now, it's time for you to return. You need not be transferred to your new body just yet. This wound I will care for, you aren't ready to leave everything behind just yet. You'll need it in the future." She states, before I felt the actual shape of her hand touch over the area of my injury. It glowed from a moment, before it stopped.
       "Till next time, my little light." She spoke before guiding me away through the darkness, then shoving me down a pit of darkness. It did not scare me, I knew it was my way back.

       When my consciousness slipped back, I heard Mo'at stop her chanting. Everything goes quiet by her order.
       I opened my eyes slowly, recognizing myself still in my 'human' body. I noticed they were hovering over my avatar expectantly, and when it did not come to life, they began to become worried. Slowly, I turned, and raised my hand out.
       "What did I tell you about me dying?" I gently scolded with a smile, their heads turning abruptly. Tsu'tey shoved Jake out of the way to grab my hand, hovering over me in concern, studying me for a moment.
       "Sabelle?" He asked quietly, while I cracked a small smile at him, before looking between him and my friends.
       "I was with her. Her light was beautiful." I replied as I then stared up at Tsu'tey.
       "You idiots really thought I was going to let myself die? I would smack you if I has no restraint." I huffed playfully, smiling when I got them to laugh.
       Noticing Tsu'tey smile fondly, I see him turn to Mo'at, as the others did too. They seemed confused as to why I remained in my 'human' body.
       "I can provide an answer." I announced, sitting up slowly as I looked at Norm, who draped a blanket over me.
       "Thank you. Anyways, Eywa told me that I was not ready to transfer to my avatar permanently. I still have ties left to cut. She healed me and sent me back." I smiled reassuringly, and they accepted my answer, not wanting to overwhelm me.
       Tsu'tey reached under my knees and back, picking me up and holding me bridal style, in his arms. He stood up and simply cradled my small form against him. We stare at each other before he mockingly smirked at me.
       "I like how tiny you are in my arms." Tsu'tey teased, and my response was me smacking his arm.
       "Yeah yeah, haha." I respond with a sarcastic laugh, then looking at him seriously.
       "As much as I want to hate you right now, I forgive you to an extent. You can make it up to me later. I shouldn't have said such harsh things to you, or hit you." I apologized sincerely.
       "No, I should be apologizing. You spoke truth. I was unfair to you, and that will be the biggest regret I had made." Tsu'tey replied as he watched me, before pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. He then looked at Jake, who had approached us with Neytiri.
       "With your permission, I will speak now. You would honor me by translating." Jake asked him, and my mate bowed his head, accepting this as he turned around. I didn't feel embarrassed to still be in Tsu'tey's arms.
       "The Sky people have sent us a message, that they can take whatever they want. And no one can stop them. Well, we will send them a message. You ride out as fast as the wind can carry you. You tell the other clans to come. You tell them that two Toruk Makto call to them. And you fly now, with us! Our brothers! Sisters! And we will show the Sky people that they cannot take whatever they want, and that this, this is our land!" Jake declared, with Tsu'tey translating and raising the confidence and pride of the Omaticaya.
       With that, Jake and Neytiri went to his Toruk, and they flew away as the Omaticaya followed his words, dispersing. Tsu'tey carries me to Rangi, and we fly, following after them a bit.
       Though I guided my mate away so I could link up with my avatar. I returned to him upon Phobos, and together, we flew to the first clan that Jake was after.
       We rode out to the four winds. To the horse clans of the plain. To the ikran people of the Eastern Sea. When we, the Toruk Makto riders called to them, they came.
       When we returned, Jake and I looked out over the arrivals of the clans beside both of our Toruk's. Thousands pour in to fight for their homes and families, the both of us had our hair in a style for war. I made sure the feathers, beads and my hair wouldn't get in the way of my riding.

       "Jake, it's crazy here. It's full mobilization. They're rigging the shuttle as a bomber. They've made up these big pallets of mine explosions. It's for some kind of shock and awe campaign." Max explained through the com, crouching in front of the camera in the lab.
       "Frickin' daisy cutters!" Trudy gasped in disbelief.
       "Quaritch has taken over. He's rollin', and there's no stoppin' him." Max warns, and Jake lifts his head.
       "When?" He asked.
       "0600 tomorrow. I gotta go." Max said, suddenly turning off the camera when some of the other doctors warned him, of someone coming in.
       "We're screwed!" Norm exclaimed, and a dry chuckle left Trudy when I looked at her.
       "And I was hoping for some sort of tactical plan, that didn't involve martyrdom. We're going up against gunships with bows and arrows." She sighed.
"I have fifteen clans out there. That's over 2,000 warriors. Now,we know these mountains. We fly them. You fly them. They don't. Their instruments won't work up here. Missile tracking won't work. They'll have to fire a line of sight. If they bring the fight to us, then we have the home field advantage." Jake announced confidently, and we all looked at him closely.
"You know he's gonna commit that bomber straight to the Tree of Souls." Trudy stated, as she stared Jake down.
"Yeah, I know." He replied.
"If they get to the Tree of Souls, it's over. That's their direct line to Eywa, their ancestors. It'll destroy them." Norm added in with a frown.
"Then I guess we'd better stop him." Jake stared a matter of factly, Trudy cracking a smile. I smirked and finally added in my input with confidence.
"If we want to make things easier, we teach the Na'vi what to go after. Weak points, like the propellers and certain spots in the glass of their machines. Ikrans can snatch soldiers from the ground, or drop branches on them. The Na'vi an even shoot from the trees, hiding in plain sight. If they can bond with Hammerhead Titanotheres, their guns won't affect their hide. Although the mount is vulnerable." I paused for a moment to let this information sink in for a few minutes, before moving on further.
"We are all vulnerable on the ground as we are in the air. If they send out the Scorpions, we need groups that will stop them from heading for their intended targets. If Trudy is targeted in the air, she'll need some back-up. Quaritch is most likely going to be in the biggest ship, or at least in the same one he was in when he took down HomeTree. That is where that rat is the least vulnerable, and where he won't have to do anything himself...unless someone goes after certain weak points of the aircraft he's on." I smirked as I watched them brainstorm ideas.
"If he sees someone go after his ship, he'll intervene himself, we'll need someone to strike when he does. We should know how many air crafts will most likely come, but they'll scatter after we attack." I stated, tapping on some papers. The others slowly grinned, knowing what they now had to do. Yet before they headed off to prepare, I stopped them.
"I must explain who and what I am. My abilities will help. I can create illusions that I can solidify. I can create weapons needed for us and the Na'vi to use in the fight." I smiled excitedly, and Jake does as well. Not caring that I was different.
"Well, make some grenades and guns for us, will ya?" He grinned, and I sat back with a smug smirk on my face.
"Gladly...Toruk Makto. Let's prepare to knock these bastards out of the sky." I responded playfully.
"It'll be quite the light show." Grace smirked as she looked between Norm and Trudy, who nodded in agreement.
"Let's do this." Jake ordered with a determined expression.

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