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The sound of bed squeaking from outside the door. Moans and slapping sounds was so disturbing for Emily to hear. She was just standing there, beside the door, waiting for the loud two in their dorm to get out. Emily kept knocking the door and calling her friends name, asking if they're done already. But no answer, what Emily got is moans, and she groaned in annoyance.

Her close friend, Pansy Parkinson had done this many times. Its never unfamiliar for Emily, she's already used to it.

After twenty minutes has passed, the two hasn't come out of the room. Emily Brown was surely angry and decided to just leave her friend and go on by her self. Scoffing and murmured words out of her mouth as she walks out of the dormitories. She places her hair to her shoulder and played it with her fingers, feeling a little bored.

And as she walk in the common room, her body was collided hardly with the muscular one. They both grunted and looked at each other at the same time. Emily's brows were furrowed and the pale boy looked at her normally, but his eyes trailed slowly down, looking at her unbuttoned shirt which revealed a little line of her chest.

"Woah.." The blond said whispering. Amused with what he's looking at.

Emily looked at him puzzingly with her eyes. She paid attention to what his eyes is looking at, she widened her eyes and looked down to her revealing chest and flinch back as she covered her chest with her hand.

"Excuse you, Malfoy!" She scowled nervously.

His eyes then met hers again then he smirked as he let out a deep short chuckle.

"Now what is that you're looking at?" She chuckled and smirked.

"I don't know. What do you think?" He replied and it made Emily's eyes look away awkwardly.

Emily gulped. She felt embarrassed a little. "I think it's nothing important." She said as soon as she caught him making a mocking look at her.

He place his hands inside his pockets as he sought to say, "Yet." Then he turn his body around, walking as he smirk. He can sense that Emily froze.

Emily's eyes didn't widened, what widened was her mind. She scoffed and hold her smile.

She shook her head slowly and turned her body around and started to walk fastly. As Emily think of how the blond boy was impressed seeing what he like, Emily buttoned her shirt and headed to potion class alone.

"Move along, move along kids.." The professor said. "Take your seats, hurry yourselfs, one minute till class starts."

Emily was already seated before the class even got crowded. She was carving her initials of the first letter of her name on the wooden table with the sharp metallic quill. She turned around as she felt a tap on her shoulder, there she finally saw her friend Pansy Parkinson. Pansy smiled and let out a huff as she started to sit down beside the dry girl.

"Hey." Pansy greeted. Emily didn't replied, she only looked at her and flick her brows up then pay attention back to the wooden table she's carving. "Oh come on Emily." Pansy groaned.

Emily looked at Pansy and knitted her brows together. "What?" She said.

"Don't give me that cold attitude please.." Pansy shook her head slowly as she turn her head to her bag and place it on the table. She sighed, "Sorry it took me so long.." She managed to say and then pursed her lips.

Emily rolled her neck to face her friend and her lips parted ready to say, "It always took you so long."

Pansy scoffed and then made a disbelieve smile but didn't feel insulted. "It would took you so long too you know?" Pansy smirked widely.

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