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It was the middle night. Emily was sitting alone in the common room in front of the orange neon fire. Her legs were crossed, back rested on the backrest of the sofa and her hands rested on the green pillow seated on her lap. Her mask was laying beside her, she didn't come to his dorm first but she was sitting there to think.

Her eyes stayed on one place, and didn't move a bit. Her mind was clouded by thoughts that bothers her. She couldn't even feel if she was breathing. She gulped and moved her eyes to the stairs that leads to the Slytherin boys dormitory.

She sighed and started rolling her tongue on the insides of her cheek, trying to look tough but she was nervous inside.

She stood up. As she walked to the stairs and took a step from it, and took a few more, she walked up without hesitating. She kept a steady face, a cold one.

Then she arrived in front of the door she isn't used to seeing at yet. The door felt very unfamiliar.

And without knocking, she grab the knob and give it a twist, as she started to push it, the door was opened forcefully and strongly and it pulled her in, almost stumbled to the ground, until the pale blond boy catches her and she landed on his muscular arms.

He pulled her to the side and closed the door with his foot while still holding the nervous girl in his arms. He steadies her on her feet, and she made a pursing smile and her eyes laid on his with no glad.

"Emily." He said with a smirk. "That was fast." lifting his chin up and place both of his pale hands on her hips, and his hands went slowly back to her curves.

She kept her eyes on his, trying not to show affection - yet she felt something. But when he pulled her strongly to him closer, she inhaled sharply quietly. Draco licked his lower lip then bit his inner cheek.

"I- I want to talk." Emily said. Trying to concentrate as his hands hardened on her curves.

Draco exhaled sharply and his revealed chest heaved up making Emily break the eye contact as her eyes went to his chest. Emily swallowed the nervous lump on her throat - she hesitantly move her eyes to the grey ones. Then buried his face to her soft neck and started trail his tongue all over. Emily couldn't help but let out little breaths.

"Tell me when I'm done fucking you?" He said hoarsely. His muffling growls tickled her neck pleasurably.

He licked her neck then started to suck it. Emily's eyes flickered in pleasure, her lips parted and she gulped slowly. He lift his head, looking at her pink lips, couldn't wait to crash his lips to hers.

Emily looked at him with shocked eyes. He looked at her up and down and smirked. He pulled her then pushed her to his bed, as her back collided with the mattress, she could smell the heavenly scent of his cotton blankets placed messely on his bed.

Emily went up with her elbows and her legs at the edge of the bed. Draco walked to her slowly and crossed his arms to his chest.

"Were you going to tell me that you didn't want to do this?" His voice hoarse and he smirked. Emily just looked at him with lips parted and didn't say a word. "That's what I thought." He smirked as he leaned down to her. His body went to her parted legs and his face leveled hers, so he started to give her one kiss. Then another and then he sucked her lower lip and bite it back, making Emily letting out hot breaths.

Draco was right. Emily came here in the first place to tell him she didn't want to do it. But when Draco touched her, she felt butterflies exploded inside her stomach. Emily followed Draco's lead and place her hands to his blond strands.

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