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After six weeks the two been together, it was almost Christmas. Already cold wind bursting inside and to the halls and to their rooms.

Meanwhile in Emily's and Pansy's dorm, there were trunks on the bed. The girls were packing for Christmas. They decided to go to Emily's house, to see her parents. Pansy was excited to come. She already visited her parents a week ago and she was excited that the girls will be alone at Emily's house.

Emily said her parents got many invitations so they might be busy.

Meanwhile Malfoy was just walking around the girls dormitory to see Emily and when he arrived he caught the girls messing with their clothes through the open door.

"What is this?" Malfoy said and came inside with a confusing smile on his face.

Emily tilted her head to her lover and lifted her eyebrows and parted her lips to a smile and started walking towards him. "I'm going to my parents. And Pansy's coming." She said and pointed her finger over her shoulder at the last line.

Malfoy nodded and looked over her shoulder, seeing messy clothes on their beds.

"Am I not invited?" He said and looked over at Emily again.

"I was going to tell you today because I just read the letters last night." Emily folded her arms over her chest. Then her face went to realization. "Oh. Do you want to come?" Emily asked.

"Do you want me to?" The blond said and smirked.

Emily rolled her eyes playfully and smiled as she said, "Of course I do." Then Malfoy let out a short laugh. "But I'm a little not sure if you would like it there.." Emily pursed her lips.

Malfoy let out a scoff and said, "I wont because you're going to be there." Emily rolled her eyes playfully at that.

"Then get ready." Emily mumbled. "I think we're leaving soon." She smiled at him before she turned around and continued packing.

Emily's parents lives outside the wizarding world. Well the family moved there two years ago. Her mother says she wanted to do something different and she chooses to live in the muggle world. The family didn't got used to it at first because they sometimes uses magic if they forgot but they managed.

Emily still remembered the address of their house. They appeared in front of the house on the road. 

"So this is where you live?" Draco asked as she studied the house.

"Mhm." Emily hummed.

"What Malfoy? Don't like muggle houses?" Pansy joked behind and Malfoy looked at her and gave her an annoyed look.

"All houses are the same—" He mumbled to Pansy.

The house was big, they walked to the doorstep and it already opened before they'd even stopped there. Two mature adults were standing in front of them and Emily made a smile. She stare at her parents, her mother with blond hair and her hair up and with a nice outfit as for her father with black shirt and trousers.

"My my.. Come here." Mrs. Brown said and leaned forward to hug her daughter. She push herself from Emily by her hands on her shoulders and looked at Pansy. "Pansy." She said softly, and leaned in to hug her too. Then she stood back again next to her husband.

Moving their sight to the blond, he didn't looked awkward in front of Emily's parents. Draco made a smile and said, "Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Brown." His tone polite. 

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