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Malfoy walked through the hallways and took turns to head to the girls bathroom. But as he made another turn, he was pulled roughly and he gasped at that. As he got pulled, he saw the girl he was with in the classroom, storming out of the classroom as she acts weird. But she's in front of him, smiling, looking incredibly alright.

"Let me show you." She began and her voice sounded smooth, then she grabbed his wrist and pulled it roughly as she lead them in through a stone camouflage door and then it closed. The space wasn't too small or too big. It's just perfect, and perfect for two people.

But it was dark, pitch dark, and Emily knows what she's doing. So she walks away and Draco lost her touch and it made him furrowed his brows. The room wasn't so dark anymore after Emily light up the candles in the room.

Malfoy can see her now, standing in front of him kind of far but it feels like she's so close. He smirked and tilted his head to his shoulder and walk to her very closely. He towers over her as he slightly slither his hands to her waist and Emily breathe in sharply at that.

The room was stone, old and it has small chains on the ground. There's only two bookshelves fill with books, and one of the bookshelves has a long table attached to it but no chairs was in the room.

"I found this place three days ago.." She said quietly and its soothing to his ear — as she trail her fingers up to his arm and biting on her lower lip.

"Mmm," He hummed so deeply that it made Emily pursed her lips and then gulped. "So you would risk your education just to show me how much you really want — me?" He pulled her close to him as their chests collide and Emily gasp, liking the feeling of the tension right at the moment.

"Mhm." She hummed and it made the blond growl and she can hear the vibrate of his voice as she now move her hands down to his trousers, but Malfoy was quick to know. He let go of her waist and quickly gripped her wrist and pull them up, leveling her chest.

He laughed slowly and Emily smiled. "You want me?" He whispered hoarsely.

She rolled her tongue on her inner cheek as she smirks, she nodded and then bit her lower lip. Malfoy chuckled darkly and Emily's breath started to get heavier.

"You just had your first time last night and now you're eager for more?" His tone flirty and he smirked as he looked at her eyes, desperate for him.

The girl nodded rapidly now, yes, she is eager for more — even if sometimes it hurts, she couldn't resist, it's like a drug for her now. Her jaws now clenched, her head slowly leaning down but her eyes stayed on the grey ones.

He scoffed. "You're already turned on for me." He smirked and started to grip her wrist more tighter now.

".. I know you are too.." Her voice quiet yet excited.

He smiled a little and licked his lower lip — looking at her eyes then her lips then to her neck and down to her chest then back up to her eyes. He shake is head side to side slowly, still making his little smile and said, "I'm always turned on for you Emily.." He chuckled. "Every time— even just looking at you already made my mind travel everywhere— and I tried so hard to not grip your wrist and bring you to my room." He scoffed as he smirked. "But now you're all mine.. I have you all to myself."

Emily nodded and smirked with her teeth shown, she felt proud. "Yeah, I'm all yours." She whispered.

He let go of her wrists slowly putting them down, now to place his hands to her hips. "But am I all yours?" He asked, his face looks numb but actually his imagining how their lips would crash so eagerly and fit perfectly as he stare on her lips and as she's looking at his eyes.

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