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"It's time." Pansy said amusingly. Then Emily and Pansy went down the stairs and Draco was a little confused about what's going on. But he followed them down the stairs and found them in the living room, looking in the cabinets.

He stared at the two searching in cabinets. "Time for what?" He asked and walked to the couches and sat down.

"Aha!" Emily shouted and Pansy and Draco looked at her, holding a long bottle of vodka. Pansy was laughing in excitement and sat down on the floor and Emily sat between them. She turned her head to Draco and said, "Are you excited?" She made a grin.

Malfoy shrugged. "What are we doing?" He said then smirked.

"We're going to play truth or dare. Last time me and Pansy just got drunk, and nothing fun." She said, scrunching her nose shook her head side to side. Pansy summoned three shot glasses and it landed on them each one.

The liquor floated and pour to their shot glasses. "Drink up." Pansy said and they drank the shots clean.

It was midnight, Emily and Draco snuggled and Pansy just sat across on the armchair. They've done many truth's and dare's until they got drunk and things probably got a little too far. One bottle of vodka was finished by the three of them but Emily took out another and placed it on the table after she realized that the bottle was finished.

"Okay—" Pansy got cut off with her coughs. "Okay. Malfoy," She was called his name slowly. "What's your favorite spot of Emily's body you enjoy to kiss." She said drunkly. It was a truth from Pansy to Draco.

Draco tilt his head up to Emily as she was sitting on his lap and playing with his hair. Emily stare down at him and made a drunken grin. "Everywhere." He said as he dropped his head on the backrest of the couch, his voice was raspy as if he just woke up from a sleep when it's the alcohol abused his throat.

Emily laughed lazily when Draco pulled her closer and started burying his face to her neck, started to place kisses.

"Hm." She hummed in a tone. "I dare you to show." Pansy said and drink the liquor.

Malfoy slowly looked at Pansy as he heard her, then he looked at his hands placed on Emily's hips and slowly putting her on the couch and laid her down. Emily let out little laughs and place her shot glass on the floor.

He set his knee between her thighs, his hand held the arm of the couch as the other on her waist. He lean down, smirking and studying her with his eyes. First, he kissed her lips, slowly. Then began to get aggressive as he starts biting on her lower lip and pulling it back with his teeth and release it.

Emily's hands went to his neck, closing her eyes, locking her fingers pulling him down to her as she deepened the kiss. He pushed his tongue in her mouth and they moaned quietly. Malfoy parted the kiss and kiss her along her jaw and to her neck.

As he kiss her neck, biting, sucking. He couldn't help it. He wanted her, he already craved her touch, her skin. He wants her now. Emily kept caressing his neck as he sucks on her skin, leaving pleasuring bruises against her skin.

Emily bit on her lower lip as her eyes still close. Then his wet kisses went along to her collarbone. She moved her head to the side, seeing Pansy staring at the two drunkenly. Pansy stood up and finished the remain liquor in her shot glass and refill it again, walking to them, she knelt beside Emily as their faces leveled. Pansy lifted the glass and gestured it to Emily's mouth, she parted her lips and Pansy poured the liquor and it slide down to Emily's throat where the blond set his mouth to.

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