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"Which one should I get?" Emily said as she laid her eyes at the few dresses in front of her. She was in a store, looking for dresses. 

"That one actually looks pretty." Pansy said beside her, pointing her finger at the silver dress with shimmering like glitter. Emily hummed and nodded in agreement. 

The two girls were in a designer store, looking for dresses together. The Malfoy's are hosting a party tomorrow in their manor. Draco wanted Emily to come of course. They stood there for few minutes, looking at the dresses they picked and which ones to wear. 

"It does." Emily said.

Pansy turned to her and began to say, "Well go on and try it." She picked up the silver dress. "Here. You haven't tried any of the dresses and I already have. Now go and try it." She lift the dress for Emily to take. Emily smiled and took it.

"Fine." She said and walked to the changing rooms with the dress and one of the ladies walked her to the changing room. She went inside and close the curtains. She hung the lace of the dress on the hanger and looked at the mirror in front of her and started to take off clothes.

But as she was taking her sweater off while looking at the mirror, she saw fabrics on the other hanger, she turn to the side and looked at the fabric, as she looked closely, it was a lingerie, two actually. 

She hung her sweater on the hanger with the lingerie and touched the thin fabric and something fell. She leaned down and pick the peace of parchment and see something was written on it.

You would look good in these. Choose one.

She lift her brows up knowing this is Draco's doing.

Emily scoffed out a chuckle and started to grin. How would he have time to have lingeries and a note in the changing room, he must've asked the lady to put it in here, she thought. She dropped the note and touch the thin fabric again.

There was a black and a white one. Emily stood there, still looking at the lingerie in front of her, thinking if she should try it on, after all he told her to choose one via message— So then she thought maybe she should try each one on and see which one she likes best.

Emily took off her pants and started to unclip her bra and slid her underwear down and move it aside. She was absolutely naked. In the changing room with just curtains to cover her and hid her, no doors to lock if someone comes in to check on her.

She doubted someone would come in. She bit her lip as she made a little smile and touched the black lingerie and took it off from the hook.

She slid the black thin lace over her legs and covered her hips. Then she clipped the bra and looked at the mirror, she can still see the color of her skin through the black fabric. She turn to the side as she studied herself as she traced her fingers across her skin.

Then before she could turn around and cover herself, she saw a hand grabbing at the curtains from the reflection of the mirror. "Wait. Don't!—" She shouted as she see someone about to come in but it was too late.

She looked wide eyed at him and her heart started pounding and cheeks flushed. She was already covering herself with her arms but it didn't do much.

Malfoy eyed her from top, to her stomach, legs, and up to her covered breasts. He smirked. She looked up at him and she noticed how his throat bobbed.

He didn't say anything as his eyes were still on her body wearing the lingerie he picked out. "You look— good." He finally said and his eyes finally met her nervous ones.

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