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He scoffed out a chuckle and place his hand around her waist and walk them again. "You seem happy with this. The hell is going on with you." He said and pulled her closer to him as they walk.

Emily lead them to the nearest wall, Draco was moving backwards as he was confused then she pinned him to the wall, reaching to his ear whispering, "Fuck me." She can see from the tip of her eyes that his jaw clenched.

His dark chuckle brushed her ear and he looked down at Emily as she look up at him first. "So fucking desperate, Emily." He said lowly, lifting his hand and place a blonde strand behind her ear. Then he lifted his brows up as he saw her red lips mouthed "Please" and turned to a grin.

He pulled her in by her hips with his hands and before she could gasp of what she just passed, he apparated them to a dark room. Emily widened eyes as her head move to directions. She knew he can apparate but she never experience it until now. She wondered which place in the manor is this.

Emily moved her head to the side as she tried to study the place. Her hands wrapped around his neck and his hand on her hip and the other to her spine. She could feel his lips curved into a smile against her skin. "Don't worry. It's my room." Then after just a few seconds, she can see clearly.

Moving her head to the left and right, she sees his bed on the center of the room, a red wooden armchair with a desk not far from her, his long and big wardrobe attached to the wall.

She moved her head to Draco, looking at him as he touched their foreheads together. His lips were parted and his hot breaths fanned her lips as he ran his tongue over his teeth. "I like it dark." Emily whispered and bit her lower lip. Then she took off his black jacket and let it fell to the floor.

Draco started to chuckle lowly and then it went dark again. His hands slip off from her as Emily let go and walked backwards. "I can still see you, you know." He said and Emily could see his smirk from the gleaming moonlight.

"I know." She said. She moved to the desk and turned the chair around and moved it not far from the desk. "Come here, Draco." She called softly as she holds on the wood of the backrest.

The blond moved towards her but Emily moved aside and pushed him down and he was set on the chair. Emily bent over him as she tries to untie his black tie. As Emily was untangling, his hands lifted up to her waist, stoking his hands up and down. Emily breathe in as she felt his thumb kept touching the side of her breasts as he kept stroking his hand slowly.

After she was done undoing the tie, she took it off from his collar and grab both his hands. Lifting his hand over the polish wooden accessory of the backrest of the armchair, Emily place one knee between his legs and began to tie his hands to the polish wooden. Emily stand up and studied him with his arms up, couldn't move his hands free. She met his eyes then he dropped his head back to the backrest, his eyes staring up at her. He smirked and tilted his head to his shoulder a little.

"So this is what you want?" He said amusingly.

She bit her lower lip with an amused attached. "Also what you wanted." Then she grinned. Moving towards him again, she lifted her dress below her knees, eased her from mounting his lap and her thighs are now between him. "I'm controlling you." She said quietly.

His eyes was staring at her lips the whole time. Then he bobbed his head forward but Emily jerked back. He immediately moved his eyes to hers. Emily was smiling widely at him as his brows were furrowed and his eyes on hers. "I said I'm controlling you." She whispered.

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