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07 March 2001

In the night Emily was in a rush getting ready as her mother kept calling her name. "Wait mum. I'm almost finished!" She shouted. She clipped her earing closed and place both her hands on the vanity, leaning on it. Looking at her self on the mirror and chewing her inside cheek.

She rushed down the stairs and saw her parents standing beside the open door. It was night but it was bright. She stood beside her mother and scoffed. "I'm not even late." She said as her hand swung up pointing the door.

Her mother moved her head to look at Emily, she can feel her stare and then a group of people started coming in, greeting her father. Emily dropped her hand and looked at her mum resignedly for a few seconds before saying. "I'll move the drinks." She said it with no energy. Her mother gave her a look and a nod.

She walked into the big room in the house and group of people were following behind her. She grab two bottles from the polished wooden table and place it on the table where the guests were sitting on the sofa's. "Help yourselves." Emily said politely and the guests smiled back at her.

As she walks out of the big room walking on the halls to meet her mother, her shoulder bumped onto someone's. "Sorry—" She paused when her eyes caught the grey ones. "Why are you here?" She asks, tilting her head up to look at him.

He cleared his throat. "I was invited." He said shortly, placing his hands in his pockets.

Emily's face dropped, she sighed as she tilts her head to the side, looking at her mother over Draco's shoulder. Her mother was still greeting the guests. Her eyes caught Emily's but she quickly moved her eyes to the guests. Emily scoffed. "Of course." She muttered under her breath.

She looked up at Draco again, her face was still. "I heard you're married." She managed to start a small conversation with him. She heard he was married from her mother. She didn't expect him marry so soon.

He nodded and managed a small smile. The smile wasn't even a real one. "Yeah. And a daughter." He gulped after announcing it to her. He knew how she was going to react. She was still, her mouth parted and her gaze moved.

She inhaled before saying, "A daughter." She repeated what he said. She closed her lips quickly and biting on her bottom lip. She looked down. "Um," she knitted her brows, confused what to say. "Congratulations." She said with a not sure tone as she looked up at him with a confused face.

He made a pursing smile and nodded. "I'm going to meet my mother now." She said it awkwardly. He moved to the side and Emily walked past him. She walked up to her mother and grabbed her arm and moved her slowly away from the guests.

Her mother furrowed her brows and said, "What?"

Emily placed both her hands to her mothers shoulders, her mother moved her head, looking at the hands on her shoulders concerned and back to Emily. "You didn't tell me you invited him." Emily said calmly.

Her mother groaned quietly and said, "If I told you, you wouldn't have let me invited him." She crossed her arms.

Emily scoffed, closing her eyes and made an annoyed smile. "No." She opened her eyes. "No, I won't." She let go of her mothers shoulders and swing her hands down. "I just think that you would tell me about it."

"Why would I tell you about it, Emily?"

"So I would expect him."

Her mother held her hands out and said, "Why do you need to expect him?"

Emily sighed and crossed her arms. "So I wouldn't asked him why he was here."

"It's a party Emily. Isn't it obvious why he's here?" Her hands was still in the air.

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