Chapter 2: how remarkably abnormal

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Katsuki Bakugo

Woah...this bitch wasn't kidding when he said Manor House! This place is like a fucking palace, the Versailles of Tokyo or some cringey shit like that! It looked like it had a billion fucking windows, all of which had curtains drawn, making the place look almost abandoned from the outside. Since he was so young, I was expecting a more modern-style condo-esque arrangement, but this was straight out of the 18th century! It was genuinely as if someone had taken a time machine and stolen a 300 year old palace.

The gates at the front were rather unsurprisingly guarded, and I was patted down rather uncomfortably as I approached. I wondered for a brief second if this happened to all of his visitors. An old lady with some cupcakes, a Jehovah's Witness, or some 14 year old fan girls of his.

That was one aspect of his life I didn't quite get. Fan girls...for a businessman? Sure, he's some young rich dude, crass can you be, ladies?! It was plain to see that at least 99% of his following that had professed their undying love would trade his bank account for his life any day of the week.

Whether I would...yeah, probably. The guy is filthy rich, and I've got no idea if he's a jackass or not yet, so why would I save him? I guess he's reasonably attractive, but people say that about serial killers, and they are hardly role models in society!

Despite my apprehension about the rigamarole of merely entering the house, I was still eager to get this done and see whether I was wasting my time thinking about how hot this super rich guy might be. He wasn't a model, not close, but he'd been on enough magazine covers to make you think he was, despite what seemed to be a clumsy style sense. He quite often rocked casual clothes to photo shoots, which he'd usually laugh off as a social commentary or some bullshit, but that lingering discomfort was always there in his interviews with the press.

Anyway, let's step away from me hyper-analysing this man I don't know, and have a look around his big house! I was greeted by a long hallway upon entry, stretching for what looked like miles, with at least ten doors on either side of it, all sectioning off into little rooms. It somewhat resembled a school, the linear nature mixed with the array of tightly packed rooms.

I was halfway towards the first of the many doors when a voice called out to me, and I stiffened up in surprise, my back as straight as an ironing board. I whipped around to see who'd called out to me, and was met by none other than my potential future boss, the somewhat attractive 18 year old CEO of the massive distribution chain Endeavour inc.; Shoto Todoroki.

"So, you must be Katsuki! I've been so excited to meet you!" He said, a giddy smile on his face as we locked eyes. I stayed polite, and responded "it's nice to meet you as well, Mr Todoroki"

"Ooooo~ I like the sound of that from you mouth! But please, Shoto is fine. Now then, shall we go to my office and get this over with?"

"Absolutely. Lead the way"

That was...odd. His politeness had certainly improved upon hearing my response, but..was he teasing me? It was conflicting; I don't completely mind the idea of dating this guy,'s pretty unprofessional to flirt with your potential new employee...right? Surely that was a recipe for disaster! And it's not like we'd known each other for more than 10 seconds either! It was way too forward for my liking, so I simply ignored it.

My thoughts and minor concerns about his nature were immediately brushed aside as I was lead into a stupendously large office, complete with a large artificial fire and expensive looking paintings. It looked like a Hollywood set, and Shoto must've seen me gawking.

"Abhorrent, isn't it? I have to say, this is one of my least favourite residences, but it's convenient for this situation I suppose"

" many places do you have?"

"Let's see...four in Tokyo, three in Kyoto, one in Osaka, and one over in London"

"So nine?!"

"Yes, I think so...OH, sorry, there's one in Fukuoka as well!"

"Of course..." I muttered under my breath, and he didn't appear to hear it, just sat down behind his desk, inviting me to mimic him. The desk itself was clear, and I suspected he rarely ever worked here, seeing as he wasn't all that fond.

"So...I suppose I'd better do some interview-y things, huh...? Ok, so...previous/current employment?"

"I work at a small corner shop near my apartment. I used to be a waiter, and before that, I swept the floor of a barbershop."

"Ok...and what makes you think you are suited to this role?"

"Well...I don't know the details of the role, but my guess would be that it's pretty hands-on, and I think I'm quite level-headed. My biggest strength is probably my determination, or integrity. Both are specialties, and the latter is merely a virtue, but-"

"No! No, I think integrity is a really important trait! Now, in regards to the job's a pretty simple one. Just do as I ask. That's all." the very rude introduction, Shoto seemed to be pretty ok, if a little too vulgar in some ways. He reminded me a little of me when I was a maybe 14,15 years old. It was that stupid limbo period where you're too old to be belittled, but too young to be messed with. Nobody takes you seriously, and it really, really sucks.

Shoto Todoroki

"Yeah...yeah, this one for sure"

Figure it out yet?

Eh, someone will have I bet

Fact of the Day: there's a metric FUCKTON of symbolism in this chapter, maybe reread it when you know the twist~!

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