Finale: recovery

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^ told ya!

Katsuki Bakugo

"-and Mr Bakugo, have you experienced any significant emotional changes since the incident? Anything unusual that you've noticed in your own behaviour and thought process? If so, can you describe to me-"

How that made you felt.

God, how predictable. Therapy is exactly like it is in movies, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Same stupid questions, same stupid answers. In case you hadn't guessed, I wasn't in the mood for a "communication exercise" with a woman I've never met. It always astounded me that people got payed just to sit and nod along to people's problems. Like, what do they actually do? Just...guess what'll work?

"...I mean..I guess there was one thing I thought was quite odd. After..after I managed to escape the chains..and get my phone...I spoke to Kirishima, the guy who got me out. And...I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but...when I saw him...I wanted to kiss him. I don't think it's because I love him, but...because...he's nice to me. I've never felt that way about him before..."

"Ok...well, that could be a number of things, but the most likely solution given everything is..that you have PTSD. I think your brain may be a little bit confused about what's happened to's trying to rationalise that you understand what love is. I've seen it before in people who've suffered similar things, sometimes even lesser things than you. It's normal to latch onto the person you trust the most, and illusions of some form of romance come between you. Whether that develops into full blown feelings is never predetermined, but I'm afraid there isn't much I can suggest with that, other than telling you the two possible futures. First, you'll reintegrate into society, and your feelings for him will fade. Second, you'll reintegrate into society, and your feelings for him will grow. How you handle that is at your discretion."

"So...just wait it out? See how it goes?"

"I'm afraid that's the best course of action for the moment, Mr Bakugo-"


"...Katsuki, I think we should move on. I want you to..generalise, for me, your emotions over the past 24 hours, no matter what you were doing. Any unstable times, any happy times, any illness you've suffered?"

"Well...I felt pretty shitty last night, just tired and hungry. So I got some food and went straight to Kirishima's bed, as if I didn't feel weird enough. I don't remember sleeping, but I did get up at one point and throw up in the toilet. I've just been sort of...worn out, I guess. I don't quite know where I'm going to go from here, given how quickly everything crumbled for me. It was the perfect proposition for me, and I was dumb enough to fall for it."

"Katsuki, please don't blame yourself for what happened. There are some truly cruel people in this world, and you are certainly not one of them. I'm glad to hear that you are hungry, and I ask that you keep eating, even if some of it ends up coming back up. I can't lie and say that things will be easy, but you must eat. do you feel about what happened to Shoto in the end?"

"Well...not much, really. He deserves to go to jail, and he will. I don't see that there's much more to it than that."

"I'm glad to hear that. Our main priority here is helping you move on to happier times in your life, throwing away the key to those memories. However you feel it is most comfortable to do so, I would be very grateful to know. Otherwise, I'm more than happy to take you through our standard procedures, but I'm afraid it'll have to be during our next meeting."

"That would be great, thank you."

"That's no problem at all Katsuki. Before you go, I need you to answer one more question for me. I think I already know the answer, but I'm obligated to ask just in case - do you believe you are in any way suicidal, or have you had any thoughts of that nature."

"No to both"

"Wonderful. I look forward to seeing you again next week, Katsuki."

"Thank you."

Well...she was ok I guess. She didn't feel like a stranger anymore. If anything, I felt more relaxed in there than in the company of any friend I've ever had. To be honest, I was probably wrong about her...which felt strange to admit.

Kirishima was waiting for me outside, stood wearing a typical gym shirt and jeans, leaning against his car, his sunglasses in his spiky hair. He waved at me, a soft smile on his face, and I realised in that split second the exact thing I was looking for.

And let's just say, it isn't money.

Teeny KRBK ending, hope you don't mind!

Hope you enjoyed this! I feel like it's flown by from a writing perspective.

Fact of the Day: u r so goddamn gorgeous 🖤

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