Chapter 9: shadows of a setting sun~

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CW // dub-con, humiliation, (sort of) pet play, Dom/Sub, no prep, service bottom, hair pulling, a little dirty talk, VERY one sided sex, VERY VERY brief mention of vomit.

Katsuki Bakugo


Word of the fucking day.

My wrists ache, my arms ache, my legs ache, my back aches, my ass aches, my dick doesn't and won't, even my eyes ache. Sleep was a laughable prospect, so I'd mulled away the time by lying on the freezing cold floor and contemplating what the hell I could possibly do about this. There was nothing apparent; it seemed like Shoto had been planning this for a while. He knew what he was doing, setting up some sick SAW-like trap to keep me locked away.

All my confidence disappeared when I was alone. To him, I'd appeared cocky and defiant, but without him here, I want to cry. I want to bawl my eyes out and throw up all over the floor, then cry until my throat bleeds. Because this fucking sucks! I've quite literally been kidnapped and assaulted, not a pleasant experience in my book. And all for...what, his sexual fantasies? I don't give a flying fuck how much of a freak he is, this is disgusting!

Jigsaw's Apprentice made a hell of a show walking into the room just then, soaking in my pathetic appearance on the floor. I was shivering like a hairless dog in winter, all the hair on my body standing on end as I looked up at him, still with a relatively neutral face, all things considered. He didn't regard me at first, simply walking up the stairs and raising the bar I was chained to so I was stood on my feet again.

It was only then that he gave me any notice, walking right up to me and peering over me as he fiddled with the chains. I felt them loosen, and a momentary elation at the chance of escape was shattered when a familiar hand smacked me aside the cheek, a warning not to try. For good measure, he clipped a collar and leash around my neck as he undid the other cuff, yanking it to test the power he had over me. Yeah, I could probably just bolt it, but...where would I go? No way the guards would let me out looking like this, and he'd catch me if I went any other way, so...I'm fucked. I might as well go along with it, not risk making him angry.

He hadn't even spoken a word to me yet as he practically dragged me away from the staircase, and I stumbled on my feet to move so I wasn't being choked by the horrible thing around my neck.

He suddenly stopped, turning to look at me with a confused but knowing smirk.

"...dogs don't walk like that~" he said, and my back tensed, knowing immediately what he wanted me to do. I didn't immediately move, but a slight glare from him told me I had little choice. I slowly lowered myself to the ground, on my hands and knees looking up at him. He seemed pleased with this, and whispered "good bitch~" to me, once again receiving no reaction from me.

I was forced to scamper up the stairs as he made a point of moving quickly, and suddenly we were in the main hall of the house. Things were...a little different from last time I was here, and Shoto took no time getting me up the stairs, heading towards his bedroom. I was exhausted by the time we got there, resting on my hands and knees as my limbs burned. The combination of the cold and the sudden movement after being so still had left me in agonising pain, but I had no choice but to listen to Shoto.

"On the bed" he said, and I obeyed, ending up sat next to him, still under his control via the leash. "Arch your back" was the next command, and I shuffled to bury my face in a pillow, ass sticking up in the air. It didn't take a genius to figure out what he was planning, and soon enough I felt the fabric of my boxers being removed, the last bit of dignity I had left being stripped from me.

To my surprise, the first thing he did was get a hold of the chain, yank me off the bed, and walk towards a different room in the house. It turned out to be a bathroom. The toilet stood so temptingly in front of me, I hadn't used one since yesterday morning, and the humiliation of pissing my pants was no longer an option since they were removed.

Shoto stood me up, placing me directly in front of the toilet, and said "you'd best hurry up, I'm getting impatient", which was my permission to pee. I gave him a slight nod, and then came the awkward pause where I tried to convince my pride to step to one side so I would pee in front of someone.

His patience clearly ran very thin, as barely a few seconds later, he had reached around and had a grasp on my dick, something which felt so foreign and wrong that I had so many urges to fight him off. But I didn't, just relaxing into the grip, and eventually, I was able to relieve myself, something which seemed to please Shoto a lot. He led me back to the bedroom, and I immediately resumed my previous position, assuming that's what he wanted.

"Wow Katsuki, you've really come around to this! You're behaving so well, I just might have to treat you!"

"Fucking get it over with" I snapped back at him, and he ignored the comment, but did listen to me. He haphazardly threw a bit of lube over my ass, but expertly coated his dick, which I could see out of the corner of my eye. It was actually quite big, in all fairness. Although, the dick it was attached to is definitely bigger. It was longer than mine, probably thicker too, and I knew it would hurt like all hell without any preparation.

I was right.

Shoto slammed the full way into me, no warning, no prep, nothing. I clenched down on the pillow with my teeth, desperately trying not to make any noise. I didn't want to give him a reaction at all. If he got nothing from me, his fun would go away. That was the plan.

A hand gripped the back of my hair, yanking it up off the pillow and arching my back further. Shoto probably wasn't that strong, but I was tired, sore, and had no will to fight any more. The pain in my ass felt like a million knives tearing me apart from the inside, and for all I know he actually might be. Still, I kept a straight face, made no noise whatsoever, and showed him no pleasure. My dick was still soft, hanging limp and abandoned between my legs as my hips were assaulted.

There was nothing I could do but hope.

Shoto Todoroki

"Hehe! This is fun!"

So....did ya like it?

I have this labelled as dub-con and not non-con solely for the emphasis on the fact that Katsuki could hypothetically fight back. It does not excuse what Shoto is doing, but since Katsuki can technically refuse, it's not technically non-con. Hope that makes sense!

Fact of the Day: Use lube, people! It exists for a reason.

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