Chapter 10: when will it end?!~

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CW // dub-con, oral cockwarmimg, makeshift anaesthetic, slapping, slight bit of praise

Katsuki Bakugo


Ow Ow OW!

I'm back down in the basement, mercifully. There hadn't been anything else, except the raw fucking. Shoto had simply used me as much as he saw fit, then dragged me back down here without another word. I was stood vertically, and I was experiencing two sensations, one slightly more familiar than the other. First, I could feel my asshole throbbing and whining in pain, no doubt crimson red from the abuse it's taken over the past couple of hours. Second, the thin hairs on the inside of my thighs are sticky from the cum dribbling slowly down my legs, the more pleasant of the two feelings, but only when ignoring who's cum it was.

Only a moment after he'd left the room, my own cock had hardened, the first time since I'd got here. I had resisted the urge for well over an hour as he fucked me, not so much for the sake of defying him, but in fact because I would feel disgusting to get off on an experience such as this. There was nothing redeemable, nothing good about anything going on right now. It hadn't lasted long, and I was soft again by now, but it drew attention to the fact that I had been left naked.

Great! What little dignity I had left had been stripped away from me, and boy does it feel hopeless right now. There was no way out, nowhere to go, no chance of rescue. Shit Hair might worry, but he'll assume I'm in one of Shoto's other residences, probably.

It was overwhelming, and I suddenly wanted to cry again. My resolve was shaky, and I didn't trust myself not to give in to him the next time he used me. I was already exhausted fighting against him after just the one experience with him, it felt a tall order to keep this up forever.

The door slamming open almost made me scream in surprise, but I managed to suppress my surprise, simply glancing over at Shoto. To my surprise, he was still naked, and sauntered over to me with a smile that could only be described as devilish. I stared right back into his eyes, fear filling my stomach as he started unbuckling the restraints again. I wriggled about a little bit more than last time, receiving a sharp smack across the face for my troubles. It didn't deter me though, and I fought tooth and nail to prevent him from getting the collar around my neck again. Eventually, he dropped it to the floor, quickly remastered me, and stormed off, a sulk on his face.

For half a minute or so, I was elated at the idea that I could deter him so easily.

Then that half minute ended. He was suddenly back in my face, and my nose and mouth were shrouded by a similar cloth to the one that captured me the first time. Honestly, this should've been predictable, but I had little time to scold myself before the substance in the city proved to be too much, and I passed out, at the mercy of Shoto once more...


...I woke up to the sound of...a television? I couldn't make out any words on it, but it was almost certainly not a real voice talking, definitely prerecorded...maybe some type of drama? I could here someone faintly biting into something crunchy, and I took a deep breath through my...

...nose? Why would I breathe deeply through my nose? That doesn't make sense! That simply isn't that I would do, unless I psychically couldn't to breathe through my...mouth...

My eyes slowly peel themselves open, and I try to figure out where I am and what I can hear. I feel pressure on my neck, stemming from the back of my head, and I slowly start to realise the situation as I clarify what I can see.

I can see Shoto's crotch.

His hands are pressing on my head.

His entire cock is down my throat.

Upon this realisation, I can feel myself start to gag, but I close my eyes, clenching my fist against his thigh in defiance. This is when he seems to realise that I am conscious, and simply reaches to his side...and pops another piece of popcorn in his mouth.

I just remain still, desperately wanting to get up and punch that smug smile out of him, but I hadn't the energy. There was no chance of me fighting him off when I was like this, so it's probably better just to oblige.

He looked down at me, almost indifferently, and said  "just stay there and keep me warm~", then immediately his attention went back to the television. I was correct, it was some shitty American cop show, but he seemed to be enjoying it. Or me.

I could feel his dick twitching in my throat, desperate for it's own release, which was almost a twisted victory for me. I wanted whatever discomfort I could give him, and the frequency of the twitches increased over time. I stayed put and stayed put, as episodes of the show flew by.

There was a small reservoir of drool on the carpet beneath us, one I was desperately hoping he wouldn't notice, at least today. Being half-impaled on his cock for such a long time had been an incredibly difficult task, especially in trying to keep myself from pleasure. It can't be denied that I got hard a couple of times as a result of having a dick in my throat, regardless of who's it was. Who wouldn't?!

Shoto then pulled something from his side, and I realised with horror what it was as he paused the tv show with his other hand.

The Great Zoo of China.

Breathless, bleeding and covered in sweat, Bill Lynch dropped into the mouth of the cave and crab-crawled further into it as quickly as he could. He snatched his cell phone from his trouser pocket. No signal. SOS only.

"Fuck" he said to no-one. The bastards had jammed the entire valley. Voices from outside made him spin. They spoke in Mandarin.

'—went that way—'

'—into that cave on the cliff face—'

Lynch heard the safeties on their assault rifles click off. Beyond the mouth of the cave, Bill Lynch saw a jaw-dropping view: a broad valley featuring lakes, rivers and waterfalls. In the middle of it all, shrouded by the hazy air common to southern China, was a huge central mountain that stabbed the sky...

Bill Lynch had no time for another thought, for just then the massive thing roared and rushed at him, and within seconds Lynch was lying on the floor of the cavern....

...screaming desperately and spitting blood as he was foully eaten alive.

That bastard was reading to me!

I didn't have much longer in that state though. Shoto was getting restless after just the prologue, and eventually pulled my head off his cock, lots of saliva strings keeping us attached. My throat burned from the lack of contact, and breathing felt weird now that I could again. I sat patiently as Shoto took grasp of his dick and furiously jacked himself off, and within a minute, he was tapping my tongue in anticipation, and shooting the hot stream straight down my throat. It was disgusting, but I was pressured by his gaze to swallow it, so did. I opened my mouth to show him it was gone, and he ruffled my hair in praise.

It meant nothing to me.

Shoto Todoroki

"Who's a good boy~?"

Can't actually believe I'm already at chapter 10 with this, it's flying by.

Fact of the Day: chapter ten of fic ten !!

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