Chapter 12: distress call

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CW // bit of physical violence, this one IS non-con (since Katsuki has no way to resist)

Katsuki Bakugo

As soon as the fruit left my hand...I knew I was fucked. Shoto's eyes had narrowed, and it felt like he could snap at any second, anger seeping out of his usually restrained aura. I avoided eye contact with him, and it was probably for the best, since he roughly pushed me off him, sending me painfully down onto the tiled floor of the dining room. A rough hand yanked on my matted, greasy, unwashed hair, encouraging me to my feet. I avoided Shoto's gaze as I was dragged by the hair to the all-familiar basement, no mercy shown to me.

I didn't have the energy to fight, to reason, to beg him to reconsider. I was placed in my chains, both arms and legs, and Shoto walked around to face me, his face warped with fury. He raised a hand, and he slapped me. This one wasn't a warning. This felt like it was designed to peel skin from bone, my face scorching in the one side. This one hurt, and drew tears to my eyes. I kept them back, but Shoto noticed the glassy look in my eyes, and said "go on. Cry. Cry like the little bitch you are. Cry like a bitch that's going to go through hell and back tomorrow!"

Oh no...that was my warning. Tomorrow would be my punishment, and I wasn't looking forward to finding out what it was. My dick is desperately trying to stay erect, having been denied for so long, and there was nothing I could do for it now. My hands were chained, my legs were chained, and...tonight, I wasn't allowed to lie down.

The next 10 hours...can only be described as a nightmare. I didn't get a single minute of sleep, and feel like I've walked 2000 miles and gone nowhere! About 3 hours in...I broke. I just couldn't contain it anymore! My tears spilled out across the floor and all over my exposed body, refusing to cease. There was no longer a reason not to cry!

I cried about many things. Shoto, his treatment of me, the fact I'd been tricked...but mostly, I cried about the life I'd had. The poor, but fun life I'd given up for financial means. The right of postponement made it seem stupid and reckless and not at all worth it. I missed being pissed off because Kirishima and Kaminari had ordered another takeout this week, that the tv remote was never where I left it, that Kaminari wouldn't stop nagging me to let him get a cat. I wanted those little intricacies back in my life...but how? It's not like I can contact them in any way, and even if I did...

Wait...that's it! One time, I remember Kirishima coming in and telling me about some course he'd done, something about telecommunications. He said they did an exercise where they made up stories that contained information about where they are! If I could call him, even if Shoto was there, I could get a signal to him! He'd know I was making something up, since I'd do it for when we were kids, before I even knew him.

If I could just...get to my phone...

The door to the basement slammed open, and Shoto angrily marched in. I was anxious about where he'd end up taking me today, and him unbuckling my legs only made that anxiety grow. was almost worse when he stopped there. He grabbed my legs and hoisted me up, holding my hips and aligning his cock with my ass. I whimpered as he pushed himself in, although the pain was much less than the first time. My mental state was collapsing, so it was jo surprise that as he quickened his pace, tears streaked down my face, my resolve shattering in front of him.

"P-please, p-please..." I whispered out in desperation, and the crude smile that washed over him had me sick to my stomach. He was loving this, and it was no surprise to feel him cum deep in me soon after. Naturally, he didn't stop, and I heard him whisper out "cry for me" past my choked sobs. The bastard got off on this. And I was broken by it, nothing more than his slave for my whole life.

Before I knew it, he was gone. I was out of breath, desperately trying not to collapse on my feet. His promise of a meal a day had been a loose one, "meal" defined by "a single strawberry, if you're lucky". I could, for the first time in years, see the outline of my ribs, showing how much weight I'd lost.

I slumped down in my shackles, resting my knees from bending for a while, and that's when I felt it..a little bit of give. My right hand chain was wearing, and would likely break if I put pressure on it! I tried again to be sure, and that confirmed its weakness. Silently elated at the chance of getting out, I mulled away the time until Shoto came to turn out the lights, waited another hour or so, then put the plan into action, leaning all my weight on the one shackle. Of course, it came off its hinge, and the other one gratefully broke from the jolt, leaving me... I crept up the tall stairs, aiming for the room I'd had, then slowly pushed the door open. I saw what I was looking for, snatched it up, and crept back down to the basement. Once I got there, I sat with a smile on my face...

...and gave Kirishima a call.

Only chapter with no Shoto POV (cuz he's asleep)

*The Great Escape intensifies*

Fact of the Day: Katsuki stopped calling Kirishima 'Shit Hair', since he realised he wasn't that bad actually!

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