Chapter 6: fun is a grossly objective concept

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Katsuki Bakugo

I don't actually remember the trip back to my bedroom. It hadn't taken particularly long for Shoto to fall asleep after I'd put the book down, but he'd insisted that I stay, that I'd help him get to sleep. After a short inquiry, he told me he'd been feeling a little unwell the past few days, so I went and fetched a flannel, wet it slightly, and rested it on his forehead. He seemed pretty content with that, a small smug threatening to spread over his face. He seemed to like attention, but it was more so that he liked being pampered, treated like a higher being. He would no doubt demand this if I made it a habit, so I decided the best thing to do would be to give him a reason to grant me freedom. Being the narcissist that he's proven to be, he immediately dismissed me the second I yawned, and suddenly, I'm back in my room.

Quite how I felt around him, I was unsure of. In a way, I didn't know whether to pity him, or laugh at him. He seemed to me like he'd been left behind by his own body, a child living like a grown up, but then moments of great sophistication and intelligence shone through every now and then to make me doubt myself. One thing was for sure though: his personality is godawful! All we've ever spoken about is his houses, his business, his vacation to Monaco! He seemed to have little desire to learn more about me beyond what talents might be useful to him!

Despite that...I guess it could be much worse. I mean, I'm about 11 minutes away from my first massive pay check, so what's to complain about? Sure, he can piss me off on a way reminiscent of Deku, but who cares? Deku doesn't give me ¥2000 an hour, does he? So, I will work for this guy, no matter what the job throws at me.

The job was about to throw a lot at me!

I'll keep it simple. Monday morning, 8:13 AM. Shoto is still asleep, so I'm preparing breakfast. Chef had told me what he usually has in a morning: toast with marmalade, and a hot chocolate with whipped cream. It was simple, yet elaborate enough to believe. I'd half expected to be making avocado on toast for every goddamn meal, knowing rich fuckers like him, but this was a reasonably simple breakfast.

I tenderly made my way up the long staircase towards his door, tray of deliciousness in hand. I gently knocked on the door in case he was awake, and entered without a word. He still lay resting there, sprawled out in his large bed. I recalled the schedule I'd been instructed to memorise for today, and remembered that he had a meeting at 9AM, so decided the best way to wake him would be to open the curtains, letting summer sun shine through the supersized windows.

He groaned a little in discomfort, before seemingly coming to and acknowledging me.

"Oh...hey Katsuki"

"Good morning Shoto. It's 8:18AM, so I figured I should wake you to allow ample time for your meeting with Mr Ito this morning"

"Oh shit, I forgot about that...could you fetch my suit, it's in the second drawer from the top, far left column"

Sure enough, I drew out a matte black suit and tie, fit (in my opinion) only for a funeral, but it was not my place to say. The damn thing probably cost more than ¥20,000, so I suppose it's look becomes of lesser importance. I lay it neatly down on the armchair and helped him adjust the breakfast tray on his lap, standing patiently to one side as he ate.

As soon as he'd finished, I made sure to keep him moving and get him straight into his formal wear, worrying that he might be late for the meeting. I once again excused myself as he changed, and re-entered the room to see him struggling with his tie.

"I'm sorry, I should've mentioned. My dexterity is simply nonexistent" he said with an embarrassed smile, to which I nonchalantly approached him and tied it around his neck, pulling it just a little tighter than I might normally do for myself. It wasn't that I hated him, per se, more just that he had a strange vibe about him, one that was unsettling. It felt like he was being totally fake, yet also that he didn't want to be.Still though, I performed the menial task for him, and if he was flustered by my blunt action, he didn't show it, simply thanking me and dashing off to his meeting.

While he was out, I made the time pass by doing absolutely nothing, indulging in fuck-all, and mastering the art of bashing my head against the wall. His house was so utterly boring! It was maddening, being stuck alone in the house for two hours, and I was almost glad for the company when he returned.

Now, you may be wondering: "bUt KaTsUkI, wHaT aBoUt ThE oThEr SeRvAnTs YoU mEnTiOnEd?" And if you are wondering that, then shut up, I already checked. They had vacated the house...and it looked to be more than temporary. Their rooms had been completely stripped of all items other than beds, and it genuinely felt like they'd disappeared off the face of the earth.

Shoto returned to the house looking...upset, which is not quite what I'd anticipated as I stood by the door and awaited his arrival. I removed his rain-soaked coat from him, making sure to be gentle due to concerns over the fragility of his temper. He didn't say a word to me, just went walking off towards the living room. I wasn't quite sure whether to follow him, but he clarified by waving a finger in a beckoning gesture, and I meekly followed behind him, feigning the loyalty of a dog.

"Oh Katsuki...Katsuki Katsuki Katsukiiiiiiii!"

"....yes, Shoto?"

"I need fun"

"Fun? Do you have anything in particular?"

"Yeah...yeah, I think I've got something in mind"

He seemed to perk up a little bit when he spoke, and suddenly he was up from the couch, and off to his room. I made to follow him, but he waved me off, saying "just wait, I'll be back in a second"

He was true to his word, and returned very shortly after, hands behind his back. I was just about to go along with his fun and games when a strange smell hit the air, and my nose wrinkled in confusion. It smelled like alcohol...lots of it...

I didn't see Shoto's grin. Didn't hear him laughing. All I knew in the split second that I realised it was the cloth over my mouth, the source of the horrendous smell.

And it's purpose.

Shoto Todoroki

"Now...let's have some fun~"

*Cue dramatic gasps*

Fact of the Day: over 1/3 of the population of Monaco are millionaires!

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