Chapter 8: there is a lot to be said, and no time to say it~

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CW // ok so...some physical abuse..lots of threats..

Katsuki Bakugo

"Listen, Katsuki. I'm sorry. I really am. I don't want you not to want this..but you don't. And I'm sorry that you don't. I don't want it to be that way, so it shouldn't be. But it is. And I can't help you unless you help me. And I know you don't want to help me because of what I'm doing to you. But I can only make that better if you let me."

"And by make it better, you mean...?"

"Well...y'know...enjoy yourself a bit. Let loose. Toss around."

"Yes, because being chained up in a rich guy's basement is erotic. What kind of sicko do you take me for?! You really think I'm gonna enjoy this?!"

"I think you don't have much choice. And I find it rather unpleasant that you refer to people with different sexual pleasures than you as 'sickos', it is rather offensive"

"Oh I do apologise your majesty. Allow me to atone!" I hissed out, spitting at the ground by his feet. I'd actually been aiming for his foot, but I hardly put much effort into training my spit.

He has still been absently attempting to pleasure me, but after a while I stopped even feeling his touch, his cold hands doing nothing for me. I had no place here. This wasn't me! He was a repulsive character that had few attractive traits beyond his pockets, and clearly held little regard for others. I hated him. I wanted him dead for what he had done. What he was doing. What he's going to do.

"Now now Katsuki, that wasn't very nice. That's your first warning. Three strikes...and I won't be very happy. Got that?"

I feebly kicked out at him with my foot, pushing ever so slightly against his leg. He looked annoyed at my action, and before I knew it, a hand was raised, and my cheek was burning. He was right up in my face now, lips inches from mine, and spoke in a tone I hadn't ever expected from him. It was deep, deeper than I could go, and made him sound more grown up than I had ever heard.

"Try that one more time, and I'll cut it off. Understand?"

I did. I did understand. The slightest nod later, and he'd backed down, and stormed out of the room. My ordeal was over for now. Guess I can just...hang here in peace. My wrists already felt like they'd been sliced open, the metal to the chains aching against them. My legs being free and on the ground was almost a bad thing, as it tempted me to try and move, which only hurt my wrists more. I tested every direction; up, down, left, right, forwards, backwards, didn't work. Resignation hit me, and I slumped in my stance, letting the cold consume me. The fire was still crackling in the room, so the cold made little sense, but it was certainly still there. How I longed to be by that fire. To feel its warmth encapsulate me.

Shoto was cold. Heartless, a demon posing as a man. A man that didn't act like a man. He was a man-child, a boy that never mentally aged. He must be so used to everything going his makes total sense. His language proves it.

I don't want it to be that way, so it shouldn't be.

Oh boohoo Katsuki!

But I want a touuuuuuur!

It was all childish. He wasn't mature in any way. His language skills may be good, but grammar doesn't prove adulthood. Kids can say the names of dinosaurs pretty easily, but they aren't old enough to know how to work a dishwasher. Or pay taxes. Or how much money is enough to live on. That defines an adult.

I had no reason to believe that Shoto knew any of those things.

He didn't strike me as socially capable. That explains the strange behaviour I'd noted before we met, particularly in large public areas. That also went some way in explaining his behaviour...right now. His sadistic, perverted behaviour that had resulted in me locked up in his basement.

The door being opened caught my attention again, and I peered over, half in curiosity, half in dread. It was, of course, Shoto. And he approached me, same way as before, and simply licked a stripe along my bare chest, from the base of my neck right down to the rim of my boxers. I stayed deathly still during the encounter, eyes never leaving him. He stood up once he'd finished, pressing his clothed frame against mine, likely in an attempt to turn me on, which seemed to be his only mission right now. I smirked cockily at him, and said "it's gonna take a hell of a lot more than that to get my dick hard in a situation like this, fuckface"

"Oh? Tell me Katsuki, the secrets of arousing you?"

"You not being here"

"Hilarious. But it doesn't solve our little problem here. Your penis, Katsuki, is the little problem here. Little being the key word."

"I have two things to say. Firstly, penis?! I swear to god if you say that again I might piss myself laughing! And secondly, a sadistic virgin cunt like you can't talk about dick sizes!"

"Say that word about me again and I'll cut one into you"

"Honestly? You think I care at this point? What else do I have?"

"You have food. Water. As much sex as I want. People would pay for what you have, Katsuki."

"You should start selling your ego online, you've got enough to go around"

"Three ladies asked me to have sex with them last time I went out in public"

"How about you kidnap one of them, might be fucking mutual then!"

"I've had enough of you talking. It's 10pm, which means lights out. You eat at midday every day, and you may have a drink of water every four hours between 8am and 10pm. Here is a drink now" he said, offering me a little sip. I was half tempted to spray it all over him, but he seemed pissed enough at me already so decided against it.

"Hey asshole! How do I sleep?"

"Oh! Thank you for reminding me!" He said, before walking up the staircase behind me and pulling some form of lever that was positioned halfway up the stairs. I felt my arms straining less, and the beam to which I was chained lowered slowly to the ground, allowing me to move out of the way of it, and lie on the floor for my rest. How fucking generous of him!

"Sleep now. I'll return at 8am, don't ask what I'll do. You might want to sleep though..."

Well...that's not ominous at all!
Shoto Todoroki

"Tut tut...he needs to learn his lesson tomorrow"

And we are officially underway with the disturbing stuff!!


Fact of the Day: the whole mystery reveal thingy I was talking about in earlier chapters was about Shoto being a man-child. I feel like it's one of the only ways I can make this story more than just...smut.

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