Chapter 11: less and less~

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CW // looooots of cockwarming, finger sucking, voyeurism I guess..

Katsuki Bakugo

That night was even worse than the last. Instead of the usual chains around my wrists, Shoto had fetched an additional two, and chained my legs together as well. This made it nigh impossible to get any sleep, and left me achy and broken come the morning, having contorted myself into a semi-comfortable position. The cold floor was unforgiving, and in a sick, twisted way, it was almost a good thing when Shoto led me elsewhere in the house, the movement giving me much needed warmth.

That being said, it still scared me when that door opened. It wasn't fear of him, but fear of the unknown. I had zero idea what the day had in store for me, but I was almost certain it wasn't something I'd like. Which is why, upon the opening of the door, I inhaled sharply and sighed, already feeling sick with dread. I got my customary sip of water, and was unbuckled from my chains a little more gently than usual. It wasn't long before the reason became apparent.

"There's a portrait artist up there, he is going to draw us. Do not embarrass me by having a picture on my walls with that pathetic thing in it. Either you get hard, or I get mad. Understand?"

I stared blankly back at him, nodding slightly. He rolled his eyes and led me up the stairs by hand, no leash in sight. It was odd, but made sense since an outsider was in the house. An outsider?! Had my thinking been that corrupted?!

I was led up to the familiar living room, where I saw the man sitting there. He did not introduce himself, merely ordered myself and Shoto into the desired position. Shoto clasped my shoulders, pushed them down, and aggressively plunged two fingers straight up my hole, eliciting a rather sharp intake of breath on my part. My eyes fluttered in tiredness and desperation not to enjoy it, but I didn't even have much chance to, as I was yanked by the hips into a different position before his fingers even had much of an effect.

He had sat down in a slumped position on a single seater chair, dick standing tall and proud between his legs, and I was pulled onto him, his arms wrapped around my chest for now, and in one fell swoop, I was totally impaled on his cock. This time, I couldn't resist the half-scream, half-moan that echoed in the room. Whether intentional or not, he had just bruised my prostate, so my actions were involuntary. My dick was hard by now too, resting heavy on my stomach.

One of his arms moved, and he shoved three fingers into my mouth, resting them on the back of my tongue. I closed my lips around them, contemplated biting them off, but decided against it. His other hand pinched my nipple, and he gave me an instruction for the first time today.

"Don't move"

It was agony. His hard dick resting against my prostate, but not allowed to move. His fingers on my nipple, but not allowed to pinch. His fingers in my mouth, but not allowed to suck. My legs were achy, not touching the ground, hanging worthless below my waist. My arms ached, one limp at my side, the other down the back of the couch for support. Even my dick hurt, the constant cucking getting to me more than I'd like to admit. I was on the brink of breaking down, my head fuzzy and sore with thoughts of what my life had become.

I miss Shit Hair, that idiot Kaminari, my shitty corner shop job! I know those two idiots would help me out of here in a heartbeat, but I had no way of contacting them. If only I could, they'd be my ticket out of here. Calling the police would be stupid, they'd never believe me. That left the idiots, and I was damn set that they'd be able to do...something!

The artists face was unreadable. I've no doubt he thinks we're just a couple into some freaky shit, or he's been paid enough not to care. He didn't even give it away when he'd finished his portrait, simply turning it around for us to see. I can't lie, in terms of art, it was very very good. Of course, I hated it with every ounce of my being, but his skill was worth commending. Shoto seemed very pleased with it, and he slowly pushed me up off of him, ignoring the winces of pain he got from me. Having been left sat on his dick for three, maybe four hours, I had adjusted to the feeling of him there, and him pulling out so quickly stretched my hole to new limits of pain, and it was impossible to keep quiet.

The artist didn't hang around, leaving as soon as the canvas had been passed over. Shoto chuckled and held it against the wall in various places, ignoring me slowly slinking down to the floor. When he did see me, he shouted "get up!" at me, and I feebly made an attempt to stand, my legs shaking like a newborn fawn's. He stomped over to me and held me on my feet, before once again yanking my hand and leading me away. This time though, it was not the basement he led me to.

I ended up in his dining room, the last place I would've guessed. My eyes were heavy and my ass still throbbed from both pain and denial, clenching around the nothingness I now had to readjust to. Shoto sat down just next to a bowl of fruit that I had initially thought was artificial, picking up an apple and taking a big bite out of it.

He patted his thighs, and I immediately perched myself on his lap, facing him as I straddled his legs. Our hard cocks touched as we locked eyes, before he simply passed the apple to me without another word. Unsure what to do, I stared at it as though it were a foreign object, until he rolled his eyes and said "eat it, it's a reward"

I took a bite immediately as he said that, my pride cast away for just the split second I was aching for, a chance to control my actions. It was ironic that when I gained control, I lost control. After my bite, I thought about what I had just done...accepted Shoto's reward. That meant that I respected his authority...and that simply wouldn't do.

So I tossed the apple aside.

Shoto Todoroki

"How DARE you!"

Katsuki done fucked up

Fact of the Day: this chapter, chapter 11, has 1111 words (minus the A/N's). I wish I could say it was intentional.

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