Chapter 13: urgent, as in VERY

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Katsuki Bakugo


"Kirishima, thank the fucking gods! Are you awake?"

"Bakugo? Dude, it's like 3am, what the hell man?"

"Just shut up, and listen. Get a notepad and pen, and write down everything I say to you, got it?"

"Bro, can't this wait-"

"No, it can't. You'll understand once I explain, now please just do as I ask"

I don't know whether it was the serious or calm part of my voice that convinced him to listen, but I heard the rustling of covers, until eventually he said "ok, got it. What's up?". I'd forgotten...his voice. That playful, slightly higher than his physique would suggest, voice...I'd missed it. It suddenly sort of hit me that this idiot...I care about him. A lot. More than I thought possible. It's a weird feeling, there isn't quite a word to describe it. It's not love, not by any stretch, but it's...romantic camaraderie. He felt like a friend I wanted to kiss...because he was a good friend. Does that make sense? I didn't care about dating him or marrying him or anything gross like that, just...sorta want to kiss him. Appreciate his friendship...physically.

God...can you imagine his face if I ever said anything like that to him? He'd go redder than his hair!

"I need you to listen carefully. Shoto...he's..he's a monster. Ever since I got here he's been abusing me and has kept me chained up in his basement. I managed to get out of the chains and get my phone, but I need help getting out."

"Woah...dude, are you seri-"

"Eijiro, I'm sorry, but I don't have time for you to be shocked. I need to be out by sunrise, or I'm totally fucked"

" I call the police?"

"They wouldn't believe you...unless...go to the station, keep me on call, I'll talk to them!"

"Couldn't you just call......?"

"You're my proof that I'm at his house, you helped me move in!"

"I guess...ok, don't worry bro, I'll be as quick as I can. Just hang in there!"

Horrible choice of words

"Thank you Eijiro..."

He didn't respond, probably for the better. The rustling of clothes was followed by a door slam, and I zoned out of listening to the noises, just staring at the wall beside me. I'd subconsciously sat beneath my chains...the chains, cursing myself for being manipulated by Shoto in any way.

I don't know what the deal is with my sudden need for Kirishima, but it wasn't something that I had the energy to figure out myself. Whether I liked it or not, I trusted him enough to be honest and talk about it when I saw him. I mean, likelihood is, he'll see me naked when I get out of this hellhole. That is providing that the police let him tag along. He'd have vital information, plus I could always refuse to speak to anyone else.

"Katsuki, I'm here. I'm just heading inside now, thank god they don't shut at night."

"Ok, just tell me when to speak.. and thanks again."

"Don't worry about it" was the short answer I got back, but it wasn't a convincing reply. Still, I faintly heard him conversing with someone, until eventually a second voice joined the fray.

"Hello Katsuki, this is Senior Officer Nakamura, can you explain to me the details of your circumstance?"

"Shoto Todoroki kidnapped me. He posted a fake job ad, and I was accepted. Since then, he's been physically and sexually abusing me every day, keeping me chained up at night. I've barely eaten, I've lost a lot of weight. I managed to break the chains and grab my phone, but I need to be gone by morning or he'll find out and hurt me even more"

"Thank you Katsuki, we'll be there very soon. I take it Shoto is still asleep? If so, we will get you out before we apprehend him, for the sake of your safety."

"He is, but you'll need to be very quick when you get here. There's guards at the front gate, they might warn him"

"We'll take care of that. In the meantime, sit tight, and we'll get you out in no time."

"Thank you...oh! And...can you have some clothes on hand, please..I haven't got any."

"I can go back to the apartment and get some of my stuff. It'll be a little baggy, but..." Eijiro suggested, and despite the impracticality of it, nothing sounded better at the moment. I quickly agreed to that idea, and it was all set. I was to wait in the basement for fifteen minutes as the police arrived and dealt with the guards. Then, as soon as Eijiro arrived here, I would be escorted out, wrapped in a blanket I'd found on the sofa in the weird log-cabin basement. Then, the police would go and arrest Shoto, and the world would move on happily, apart from the three teenage girls that'd find my identity and hurl abuse at me for ruining Shoto's name. Heh, the internet is so predictable.

Time flew. Before I knew what was even happening, I was wrapped in the blanket, obscenities covered as the room was entered by another person. It was, as anticipated, an officer, and I was hurriedly pressured up the stairs, little regard for the agony I faced in the menial task, but I was understanding of the urgency. Getting ushered about outside the house, I was practically thrown through the large gates, then shoved roughly into a car. My eyes were weary, and I couldn't focus on anything right now, but before the dark took me, I saw a flash...

...of brilliant crimson red.

Guess I've got some explaining to do!

This isn't becoming Kiribaku. I'm aware that it doesn't bother some of you, and I personally quite like it, but this is a Todobaku fic. All shall be explained in the next chapter...

...which shall be the last one!

Fact of the Day: the internet is so predictable. For example, the next chapter will be called Finale: recovery.

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