Chapter 7: this is objectively NOT fun~

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CW // noncon (but nothing explicitly invasive, just very minor 'foreplay'), chains, allusions to kidnap.

Katsuki Bakugo


I don't...


Why is...


Flashbacks. That's all that was going on in my mind right now. Flashbacks, to a day when I was 13 years old. I was out playing with a friend I haven't seen in years. We were at the park, and I was hanging on the monkey bars, dangling above the ground.

I let go.

Next thing I know, I'm in hospital. No idea where my parents are, can't remember if I care or not. My eyes won't open, as much as I will them to. I feel like I've taken a million drugs at once, unable to move without severe discomfort. There was a nurse, let's call her...nurse. Nurse was saying words, but I didn't catch many of them. One of them was anaesthetic. I remembered that word, and suddenly, I'm at home, on my computer, searching the word anaesthetic. Of course, I spelled it totally wrong, but the computer found a way, and suddenly, I was that little bit smarter. Quite why my whole chest was taped up, I wasn't sure, but I had no idea that I'd later get told one of my ribs nearly punctured my heart when I fell, so they had to move it a little.

So...that's why I know. Anaesthetic. This's from an anaesthetic! But why...why was I anaesthetised? I'm not hurt so...I was at the manor...downstairs...waiting for-


That son of a bitch! He fucking drugged me! But...why? I didn't think I'd done anything wrong, so he had no reason to do anything like this! Does he need a reason? Is he just some sick fuck that hires servants then they suddenly disappear?

Like...the two others...

And that's when I started to panic. My eyes still wouldn't open, and my arms wouldn't move an inch. My legs felt like they were flailing a little bit..and I was cold. Very very cold. It was like 50 years worth of hangovers all at once, complete with an ice bath to boot!

As soon as my eyes dared to open just a crack, I expected to recoil at a great light, but instead I was greeted by a much dimmer hue. I the corner of a room that resembled a log cabin. There was a fire burning right on the other side of the room, by the looks of things recently lit. It also seemed that was because of how cold I was, but as my eyes opened, the room became more of a marvel than anything.

There were two chairs situated by the fire, both empty. A desk in the corner to my left, and a smaller chair sat by that. Papers littered it, undefined cursive all over them. Confusion wracked my brain as I tried to figure out so many things at once

Where am I? Why am I here? Was this Shoto? What does he want? Am I going to die?

Before I could figure out the answer to any of those questions myself, the very person I least wanted to see right now walked through a door I had failed to notice in the room. He still wore the black suit from...whenever that was in relation to now. It feels like five minutes ago, but may well be an eternity. More annoyingly though...a smirk. His face was twisted up into a smirk at the sight of me here, chained against a staircase by my hands, wearing nothing but my underwear, shivering in the cold and locking eyes with him. It must've been what he wanted to see, since his smirk grew to a grin, and he smiled at me.

Needless to say, I didn't return the niceties.

"Oh boohoo Katsuki! You don't even know what's going on yet!"

"Fuck what's going on! Let me out of these chains or I swear to god I'll-"

"You'll what? Rattle them really loud~?"

"Is this what happened to those two others? Are they down here?"

"Oh, nah, they just quit. Whatever happens happens I guess!"

"So you...didn't torture and kill them?"

"What?! No, it course not! I don't kill people, and torture is also wrong!"

"Then why am I changed up in this weird room?!"

"This is my basement, Katsuki. I had it converted for a little more space away from people sometimes. There are times where I just can't stand people, know what I mean?"

"Yeah. I can think of someone"

"Relaaaaax Katsuki! We're just here to have a little fun!"

"What about this is possibly fun?!"

"Oh, I dunno yet...maybe...this?" He said, then suddenly..he was gone. Disappeared. It was perhaps more accurate to say that he'd left my eye line, since not a second later, I felt a weird feeling on my chest. I looked down to something completely unexpected.

He was lapping his tongue over my nipple, circling it and suckling after every two rotations. I stayed completely still, unwavering in my ignorance towards this action, because what kind of sick fuck is he?! Why would I be even remotely turned on by this, much less him?!

I didn't even have the energy to kick him away. I probably could, but he'd just come right on back, and it's not like I could go anywhere, what with being chained up! He kept at my chest for another 20 or so seconds, before looking up at my still face in disappointment. There wasn't so much as a flicker of arousal about me right now, and there was no easy way he was going to be able to change that. It was detestable what he was doing, and I'm not about to cream my pants over some guy that's just kidnapped me!

No fucking way!
Shoto Todoroki

"Awh! No fuuuuun!"

Been a while, but this chapter is just 👀

Fact of the Day: I haven't written smut for like over a month, so bear with me a little bit please!

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