Chapter I: Error?

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After we created a perfect clone of myself, and put it to sleep in order to receive more faster the memories that I copied mines.

[Alright it night time, Ciel are you ready?] I ask excitedly.

«Yes Master! Use the skill, (Space Time Control) with (Reality Warping) together, to creating a new timeline. YES/NO?» Ciel reply with the same excitement of mine.


And our journey restarted.

«...» =Ciel talk to Rimuru in mind
   [...] =Rimuru talk to Ciel in mind
   “...” =Talking
    ‘...’ = Thinking
   (...) = Skill
   *...*= My thoughts
    {...}= Action

Rimuru POV

«Error. Error. During the time travel, there's some kind of unknown force of energy had aimed the particular time of location.»
As I heard Ciel said that, I felt my consciousness started to becoming unstable, it feel like a radio keep lossing and back the signal.

«Now starting to feed back the forces...»
« Failed... Repeating Attempt... »
After some time, I had loss my consciousness while Ciel keep attempting to fight the forces. The last thing I hear was Ciel saying something... I not sure what is it as darkness slowly welcomed me.

Author POV

After a while of attempt, Ciel had decided to transport them to a few thousand years past after where after Veldanava were still alive and also had completed creating the world, then the original time location they were planning for.

Rimuru POV

As I slowly open my eyes I feel dizzy, “whe-where am I?” as I asked.
«Good morning master, now to answer your questions. We're now in the ‹God Mountain›.»

[What's that? I never heard any place called‹God Mountain›!?! I thought were suppose to be in Jura Forest aren't we!?!] I asked in panic.

«Indeed we're supposed to be in Jura Forest, but because the impact of unknown forces that blocked our way to the original time where we're  born or master you got reincarnated to this worlds. And it pushed us to more then 1,000 year past.»

After hearing this, I was in shock. I mean who won't!?!
‘Aaaaahhhhh!!!!’ {panicked inner shout}. ‘Ok, Rimuru you needed to clam down.’{inhale} {exhale}{sigh}
‘that's much better now.’

[Now Ciel tell me, what's the best move we should do right now?]

«I think master we should explore this place and find a suitable place to live first. Then we start to gather some more information to how to go back to the original timeline we wanted.»

[Should I won't mind about it. It does also sounds like fun too.]

After our discussion or planning, we start to look for a place to stay. I do say that this ‹God Mountain› does sound like something I heard from Valdora or Milim them, but I don't really remember what is it.

Anyways while we were looking around I do send a great amount of magic energy that's kinda like Milim them.

[Amm, Ciel is Milim here why do I felt a amount of magic energy that's similar to Milim herself?] I asked.

«To answer your questions master, I don't think it Milim herself is born already during this time but they magic energy do feel similar to hers.» she replied.

[So if wasn't Milim, don't you think is him in person or should I say the dragon himself?]

«Is mostly likely it master.»

[I see thanks Ciel.]

«Your always welcome master.»

Author POV

While Rimuru talking to Ciel in his/her mind, in the top of the mountain there's a individual, who you might already who it be. But let not spoil it.

??? POV

I was having some peaceful time in the top of the mountain, enjoy the wind blowing toward me, which really make me want to take a nap. I mean after many attempts of creating a world yet it always get destroyed. Which is kinda sad and annoying, but something tell me that this time will be different.

To be continued...


I would like to given the credit of the idea of God Mountain in the book of "Tensura- Beyond Expectations" by Gurav67.

And thanks for reading it. I'll see you on the next chapter, and sorry if it's a short chapter.

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