Chapter VI: Aftermath & Evolution of Supreme True Deity

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Previous Chapter:

He even told me not to tell Guy about this no matter what. At first I'm not sure why but I agreed, maybe he worry that people would come after them? there must be a good reason.

As I fly back to Ice Continent.
«...» =Ciel talk to Rimuru in mind
   [...] =Rimuru talk to Ciel in mind
   “...” =Talking
    ‘...’ = Thinking
   (...) = Skill
   *...*= My thoughts
    {...}= Action

Author POV

It's been a few years since the Family Reunion, Rimuru and Ciel had been take time their to bonding with Velzard, Velgrynd and Veldora.

They often would bring some snacks or dessert as a gifts to them when they visit, Veldanava himself wouldn't mind at all, since he had started to live with Rimuru them, so basically they been meeting each other more often than any other true dragon.

Velzard really like the time they had spend together, while guy was returned back to hell for some BUSINESS he needed to deal with. Velzard feel happy toward her youngest siblings for they always find their time to come, keeping her entertain.

That same goes to Velgrynd, since during this time Velgrynd hadn't yet to meet the Emperor Rudra. The two were the only thing that keep her entertain, which she really liked it, the two maybe had the same personality, but the way they think and act is quite different. That's what Velgrynd find out while they were bonding.

And lastly we wouldn't forget Veldora, of course just like his two elder sisters he really enjoyed their company especially when it's come to food. And in this timeline Veldora even act a little more mature than their previous one, but he still a troublemaker that we all know. But that's not much of a big deal.

The three of them really like the two present. As for Veldanava that was something that he hoped for. And not for long he met his destined lover Lucia, as he decided to live simply alongside with human, as they both introduce each other to their family. And that's also how Velgrynd and Rudra meet.
*As a reminder, Lucia is the only person who know about Rimuru and Ciel other than the True Dragon.*

And all events happen just like the previous timeline, but before the event of Lucia's death, Rimuru had used the skill (Predation) to absorbs Lucia's soul and transfer it to Milim to keep her soul stable and she was able to feel closer to her mother as Lucia requested. And Veldanava had given them enough soul for their evolution into Supreme True Deity, as they thanks him and wish him luck, before they separated their way.

Rimuru and Ciel went back to their house, as they used (Universal Barrier) around the house, to provide any intruders came and they keeping their house buried inside the mountain. Before went to Sleeping mod for their evolution process.

During those time, Velzard, Velgrynd and Veldora had already know the death of their dear brother as well their sister-in-law, which had given them a sadness. But that's not much compare to the fact that they find out that the God Mountain had been corrupted as they couldn't feel any presence of their two little siblings. But they believe that those two were indeed still alive yet the sadness still in it. I mean who wouldn't, one family members had been kill and the other two had gone missing.

As Velgrynd started to live with Rudra, Velzard still living with guy as for Veldora, he had started to rampage.

Everything had happened just like the previous timeline. Like Milim become the second Demon Lord, Veldora had been sealed, and so on.

As many years had pass, that took place in the same with original timeline where Veldora and Rimuru First meet.

« Report, the Evolution of Supreme True Deity had been completed.»

To be continued...

Noted: I apologize if this chapter is short, since this chapter are mean to be a summary of aftermath the Family Reunion. Since there's not much of a information during those time, so I had to skip it.

And also I'm not sure if next week is our exam week, so I may/ may not will late uploaded the next chapter.😅

And that's all for today's announcement, I'll see you guys on the next chapter.

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