16. The New Hottie

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-Kaila's POV-

 Now that the stupid-prat-dickhead-prick Michael is gone, Mollie seems to have changed a little. To some girls, when they find out their boyfriend is a complete and utter bastard, they usually get upset and stay in bed moping for the next few days, but not Mollie. She's actually changed in a good way. 

She is so much more confident. She told her house sitter to 'go and do one' the other day, and as I didn't expect that from her, I laughed in shock. Then another shock came when she didn't do her homework on purpose and got a detention for it. She'd never got a detention before! She didn't seem bothered, though - she actually laughed when she was given one! Yesterday, her parents came home to see her for the first time in, like, months. She said hello to them, told them their housekeeper was a stupid, fat, lazy dumb bitch and then walked out of the house, while her parents stared in complete shock after her. Maybe if they stayed home more and actually looked after their own daughter, they wouldn't have been that shocked. But they were. And it was fucking hilarious. 

And to think that a moronic prick made her like this!

Anyways, I'm getting more boy trouble than ever, and surprisingly, it's only to do with one boy - Luke.

He's being so annoying lately! He obviously gets off on being rejected, because each time I don't reply to his texts, or messages on Facebook, he just seems to send even more lovey-dovey ones that make me near enough sick to the stomach.

To be honest, I reckon I should dump him. But I don't know how to do it.

At times, this could be the best part in relationships. You know, figuring the best way to dump an idiot you shouldn't of gone out with. Should you do it nicely or should you diss him while dumping him? Through Facebook, text, face-to-face or get someone to do it for you? If on Facebook, should you put it on their wall, instant message them, or inbox them, and should it be short and to the point, (e.g. just 'Your dumped.') or do a paragraph about how you should just be friends and how it isn't working out? But then again, doing it by Facebook, text or getting someone else to do it could seem cowardly at times.

With Luke, I want to dump him face-to-face, and I want to diss him while doing so. I think it should go something like this:

I see Luke at school and in the morning I wave from a distance and then disappear into the crowd of teens, then in lessons I ignore him. At break I do the same as I did in the morning, and if I see him coming towards me, I get up and walk off somewhere. Then lunch will be the best part. I'll walk up behind him and surprise him in front of all his mates. I sit down next to him and ask if I could talk to him, and knowing Luke, he'll laugh and say something along the lines of, 'Whatever you want to say, you can say it in front of my friends!' (I know, such a cliche, but that is so Luke), then I'll give him my small speech, stand up, smile at his mates and then saunter off. 

Not a very good plan, but it will do.

 I told Mollie of my plan. 'Aww! Luke was so nice though!' she said.

'I don't care if he's the nicest guy on earth - he's clingy and it's annoying! I've gotta get rid of him!' I declared.

So the next day at school, I set my plan into action, and it went really smoothly, and all according to plan. I totally humiliated Luke in front of his friends.

Apart from the fact that Luke got absolutely pissy, and threatened to start a fight with someone. But that's nothing, seeing as Luke can't even knock a fly out.

'Go ahead, Luke. That's real mature,' I replied sarcastically, and rolled my eyes.

He gritted his teeth and made a little shrieking noise, turned on his heel abruptly and stalked off. Talk about dramatic!

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