Chapter 1

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Missy wakes up to her alarm clock going off "Ugghhh!!" Missy groans as she turns it off she sits up and goes on her phone and gets a text from Wildcard


Good Morning Missy
Morning Wild

Do you know if Miss Granada needs us at HQ today

No I'm not sure I can ask Acapella tho

Thanks because I lost my training schedule

Your not alone so did I lol
I need to get ready and I will let you
know if we need to go to HQ see ya soon

Alright see ya

Missy POV
I put down my phone down after I texted Wildcard and went and picked out my outfit and got dressed and did my makeup and made my bed and texted Acapella

✨🤍💿 Acapella💿🤍✨

Do we need to go to HQ today?

Uh lemme check
Yea we have to be there in like 30 mins Y?

I lost my schedule
Oh see ya soon!
Ok see ya in thirty

I text Wild telling him we have to go to HQ so he says he will come pick me up and then go to HQ unless we have to get guppy which happens often but is always fun to do because she is funny

Wild card texts me saying he is outside so I grab my book bag and head out the door to see Wildcards car so I walk past mine and get into his car

Narrator 's POV
Missy gets in the car and sees a car seat in the back "Are we picking up guppy!?!" Missy says excited "Yea LG and SB asked if I could take her to HQ and I obviously agreed" Wildcard explains. They make their way over to Lavagirl and Sharkboys house and go to the door and knock Lavagirl opens the door "Hey, come on in Guppy is in the living room putting her shoes on!" She says as she opens the door wider for them to come in they all go in and go to the living room to see Guppy sitting on the couch struggling to put her shoes on "Let me help you." Missy says as she watches the young girl struggle to pull her shoe on and walks over and crouch her in front of guppy and push her shoes on and tie them as Wilcard picks up Guppy's book bag and talks to Lavagirl and Sharkboy  "Alright, I'm done ready to go?" Missy asks Wildcard and Guppy "Yes!" Guppy says "Yea Let's go!" Wildcard says and Missy picks up Guppy and they say bye to sharkboy and Lavagirl and head outside to the car when Missy checks the time and sees they have 15 mins to get to HQ "Shoot! We need to hurry We need to be at HQ in 15 mins" Missy says as she is putting guppy in her car seat "okay, come on" Wildcard says as he gets into the driver seat Missy gets in the passenger seat and they start driving to HQ just in time.

Missy's POV
I get out of the car and walkover the backseat to get guppy and open the door to see her making bubbles I giggle at the sight and unbuckle her seat and pick her up while Wildcard gets her book bag and we walk in and go down to the new room Miss Granada had made for us "Missy!!!" Acapella yells as we walk in "awww" Everyone including Acapella says "What?" Me and Wildcard say confused to what they are awwing at.

Narrators POV
Missy continues to hold guppy standing next to wildcard confused "You guys look like a little family" Acapella explains "Ohh..." Missy says confused still until Acapella snaps a picture and shows Missy Guppy and Wildcard and then they understood what they were talking about then just went and sat down and started talking about random stuff until Ms.Granada came in the room to announce something "Alright you guys, I have an announcement!" "Is it good?" Guppy asks in a cute voice "Maybe it depends on the crowd and if you are up for it but you have no choice before you ask." Ms.Granada responds "Alright as I was saying the announcement is that you guys are going to public school!" She announces. Everyone groans, "What school are we going to?" Missy asks, "North Plains School for Pre-K - 12" Ms.Granada responds "Any other questions?" She adds on "Yea, Any rules from you we need to follow before we start?" Noodles asks "Yes, actually nobody is to know you guys are heroes meaning you aren't allowed to use your powers Im looking at you Guppy, Noodles and Acapella." Ms.Granada says "Rewind and Fast Forward I need you guys to speed up Slow-mo in secret at school so nobody is suspicious." "Okay." They respond wondering how they are gonna speed him up in secret "Do we have any classes together?" Missy asks
"Yes, you have almost everything together." "Also Missy and Wildcard I need you guys to Sign Guppy in and out of School everyday with you because I need you guys to act like her parents and say she is your kid, even to other students and we enrolled her under your last names as well,for other reasons I will not disclose at this time" Ms.Granada Says "Alright school starts tomorrow do your lessons and don't leave the room and No Powers" She says as she leaves

To be continued....

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