Chapter 8

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I know I have late posts but I'm drowning in school work and other stuff let's get on with the story

As they start walking to class Missy's phone starts to ring so she comes to a slow stop and it's an unknown number but just in case she still answers and it's the desk lady from the pre-k section "Hello" Missy says confused and slightly concerned "Hey, This is Guppy's mom correct?" She says "This is she, is everything okay?" Missy asks because she is late not noticing Wildcard had stopped as well behind her "Guppy fell off the playground and is crying and her arm is red and swollen I don't know if I'm allowed to do anything without you guys consent" She explains "Oh My Gosh! I will be there soon" Missy says before hanging up and feels a familiar pair of arms wrapping around her waist "Wild, Baby, Guppy fell on her arm we need to go I will tell the teacher what happened after or I can text ff and ask her to tell the teacher that Guppy got hurt and we needed to go" Missy says "what, let's go" Wild says while grabbing my hand as we start to head to the pre-k unit

3 minute timeskip I'm not writing about ✨a walk✨

As Missy and Wildcard get to the Pre-K unit they see Guppy in tears with dirt on her outfit and a swollen wrist "Sweetheart, What happened" Missy says before crouching in front of guppy holding her opposite hand "I- I- fell off the playground when I was r-running with my f-friend" Guppy says while crying "Mommy, it hurts!" Guppy says "I know baby, I know" Missy says "Let's get her to the hospital so they can check her arm out and tell us what needs to be done." Wild says to Missy who is standing up as he picks up Guppy "Okay, let's go" Missy says as they start exiting through the doors "Daddy can we get ice cream after." Guppy asks digging her head into Wilds neck "Yes, Baby we can" He says Missy smiles before running imfront of wild and takes a picture of the two "Okay come on so we can get her out pain because it hurts me" Missy says "Yeah, I'm coming baby even tho the car is right there and I'm not that far"

Time skip another 10 mins because I'm not writing that car ride or the walking anymore

As they arrive at the hospital and Wild carries Guppy in as Missy was on the phone with Lavagirl telling her what happened a nurse comes in and they take Guppy out of Wilds arms and tells them to follow as she puts her on a table in a room

To be continued...

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