Chapter 7

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After they answer a few more questions they all go sit down at our desks after they go sit down other teacher asks them all a question "how are your schedules setup so I can inform the other teachers on if they need to dismiss you." "what time does the pre-k unit close because they never told us when we asked." Missy says "At about 4:00 but you can sign your kid out at anytime" the teacher responds "Okay, thanks" Missy tells the teacher "Alright class let's get started with the lesson" is all Missy heard until she heard "Hey Missy" in her head "Wildcard what do you need I'm trying to listen" She responded "Yeah it doesn't look like it you are twiddling you fingers telling me you zoned out" he tells  Missy with a sly smirk on his face "okay fine but I wanna the day to end" Missy responded and looked at Wildcard as he raised hands "Not what I meant" She adds

Time skip

Missy's POV
We are finally at lunch and but after lunch me and wild don't have classes with anyone but Fast forward. After we get our food and sit down ff breaks the silence that stood for five minutes "this food looks disgusting" ff says "yeah I know it's public school food it isn't gonna be good" I tell her "let's just be glad we aren't stuck at HQ like remember when we got caught sneaking out of HQ during the takeover when our parents were captured." Wild says "True, but we learned a lot of stuff about each other that day" ff says "Anyway we need to hurry up because some how lunch is almost over." I say a little shocked by the time "Okay then let's throw this away and head to class." Wild says before standing up "alright fine but you are carrying my books" I tell him "baby, can we just go and fine I will carry your books too" He tells me "guys come on class is about to start." ff says "Alright, we're coming" I say as I get up and start walking

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