Chapter 2

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Narrators POV
Missy Wildcard and Guppy go in another room to talk and make plans leaving everyone else confused

Missy's POV
"Why did she pick us to be Guppy's "parents" for school and not anybody else?" Wildcard asks me "I don't know but it'll be fine I swear, but how are we gonna make it believable?" I respond "Fake date i guess I don't know" Wildcard says as I get an idea "Wait, that's an amazing idea actually!" I say with a smile "I guess we are fake dating then!" Wildcats says before turning to Guppy and putting her on his lap so we can all talk "Okay Guppy we are gonna be your parents at school so your playing a big part in this and again please don't blow bubbles or do anything involving your powers!" I tell Guppy "Missy you have to kiss Wildcard!" Guppy tells me and Wildcard "I know Guppy also you can't call us by our names in school you will raise suspicion to everyone" "Okay I will call you guys Mommy and Daddy!"Guppy says way to happy "Okay, got that out of the way now can you go sit with Acapella, Guppy so I can talk to Wildcard?" "Ok" is all she says before getting off of Wildcards lap and leaving the room "Okay we need to talk about PDA and other stuff that needs to be disclosed before tomorrow." I say "Okay first PDA what are we doing the regular hugs kisses etc or something else?" Wildcard asks "the regular no surprises tho because I know how you are" I tell him knowing he was planning something if I said anything else "alright let's go back if that's over with" Wildcard says

The next day (SpongeBob voice have fun with it)

Missy's POV
I wake up to my alarm going off and turn it off and check my phone and go on Instagram for 5 mins and then get up and get ready and FaceTime Wildcard while I do my hair "hey wild!" "Sup Missy, ready for today because Im not" "No im not but at least we don't have to take the bus and we get to see Guppy" "Yea, we have to act like her parents t0 which should be fun also Ms.G said that she put her in our last names meaning she used both somehow" "um I can ask ojo and see because she said her tablet somehow can hack some systems I can ask her to see if she can check how Guppy's name is in the system" "thank you because we weren't told and might raise some suspicions if we get it wrong" "I'm calling Ojo now"
"Okay I called and she said it was Moreno-Smith." "Okay, now I'm dead set ready for tomorrow!"

To be continued.....

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