Chapter 9

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(A/N: Don't be mad I made Missy stutter once but I swear she is just flustered)

"Wild can we talk in the hall really quick" Missy asks "Yeah, Guppy we are gonna go in the hallways for a minute are you okay with that"
"Yea" guppy replies calming down but still crying "come on" Missy says

In the hallways (bump ba da da da da do do do do)  (A/N it's like elevator and jeopardy music mashed ig idk)

"Wild we need to talk" Missy says wrapping her arms around herself "what's up?" Wildcard asks wondering why they needed to talk "two questions." Missy says "okay go." Wild responds "first, Do you think Mrs.G is gonna be mad at us and stop letting us do this with guppy?" "Maybe, but if she is we will just explain what happened to her and try and keep her under our belt I just pray it doesn't happen" "yeah, okay next what are we?" "I don't know miss, I actually don't know what do you wanna be?" He says grabbing her hands with hope "Uh- I- I- really like you Wild and I wanna be your actual girlfrien-" Missy says getting cut off by a pair of lips on hers. She notices it's wild and kisses back and moves her arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around her waist holding her until a phone ringing breaks them apart with a smile

Wild takes his phone out of his pocket and his smile drops "What! Is it Mrs.G!?" Missy says in a panic. Wild nods before answering "Hell-" Wild gets cut off "What happened to guppy!??! I got a call saying she broke her wrist"
(A/N I don't remember what da hell I wrote happened if I even wrote it 🧍🏽‍♀️) "Well she said she fell on the playground and we got a call in class and ran to her and took her to the hospital, please don't take her out of our hands" Wild says really fast in the conversation because guppy was the reason he and Missy got closer than ever "*sighs* I'm not taking her out of your care because I don't trust any of the others as they are irresponsible and I just need her to be safer" she says "okay, thank you, bye" Wildcard says with relief rushing over him as he hung up

"Missy, she isn't as mad as I thought she would be she just said she wanted guppy to be safer and that the others were to irresponsible for the job" He tells her "oh thank god I was worried" Missy says letting out a breath she didn't even know she was holding "okay come on let's go back in"

Missy's POV
We walk back into the room to see guppy crying even more "hey, hey, what's wrong, what happened?" I say in a soft voice so she doesn't get scared or something "guppy, what's going on?" Wild says in the same tone as I. "Mommy and daddy said they had to leave even though they said they weren't going too" guppy says almost full on sobbing at this point

I'm Ending this chapter here I'm annoyed cause of my writers block can y'all suggest some people to help me out with some more in this book more like all because I'm trying to make another one but that wouldn't be smart and I just wanna make and finish it before I  publish it and just ask if y'all want a sequel or sum after

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