Chapter 10

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I'm going to put a turn in this and there will be a time skip at the end and something extra I'm posting as soon as I release this chapter so be ready and it's not bad I just forgot to include it also it's really cute so be happy - Lee 👍🏽

Missy's POV
I know that Lavagirl and sharkboy are doing something, I don't know what but I am pretty sure it's got something to do with guppy and it's bad "Wild.." I whisper as guppy fell asleep after crying her heart out.

"Yea, what's up" I hear in a soft tone back "I think I know why Lavagirl and sharkboy left, and it ain't good" I say following the tone "Let's go in the hallway

In the hallwayyyy

"I think Lavagirl and sharkboy aren't going to keep guppy much longer, they shortened everything to only a few minutes of being even near guppy and remember when Mrs.G said she enrolled guppy under our names for further details she said will not be disclosed at this time?...or ever..." I say remembering a lot more "Yea, I think they are trying to get rid of guppy and have us take care of her." Wild says "wait call Mrs.G like right now because the sun is starting to set and she won't answer till sunrise and we need to know like right now" I say urgently "I'm calling now, cause you might be right." Wild says taking his phone out in a slight panic.

The phone call...
Mrs.G - Hello?
Wildcard - What were the other reasons that you signed guppy into the system under our names that you didn't disclose for some reason?
Mrs.G - Why? did something happen?
Wildcard - What? no! Missy noticed something really weird and it might be connected to the reasons.
Mrs.G - Okay what did she say?
Wildcard- Uh, No, tell me the reasons first because knowing you, your gonna document it AND hang up immediately.
Mrs.G - Alright, The reasons are because you legally become guardian after being listed as the guardian and married to the linked partner by law, Lavagirl and sharkboy aren't capable of keeping guppy any longer, they were distancing and then were just gonna slowly depart from her completely
Wildcard - And you allowed this?!?! What the fuck Mrs.G!
Mrs.G - I'm sorry wildcard, but you have to tell both Missy and guppy.
Wildcard - Guppy is asleep right now and when she wakes up she isn't gonna take it well I'm gonna wait a while to tell guppy. And you confirmed Missy and I's suspicions to them ditching guppy and leaving her with us...
Mrs.G - Again i apologize deeply
Wildcard - Whatever
Conversation over ~
Missy POV
"Babe, you were right" I hear. "About?" I say confused in response. "Guppy and her parents, Mrs.G said that as well as that we are married by law and her legal guardians." Wild tells me as he walks back in. "Are you kidding me? She allowed that?!?" I say shocked "I'm being serious, and that isn't the only part, we have to tell guppy too." Wildcard says as he sits next to me. But just as I'm about to say something I hear. "Tell guppy what?" I hear small tired voice say. "Nothing, Guppy." I say. Just as a nurse walks in. "Are we able to leave anytime soon." I say. "Um, yes you can leave now, actually that is what I came to tell you, a nurse was sent to tell you earlier but looks like they never told you. Sorry for making you wait." The nurse says and walks up to guppy. "Oh no reason to be sorry." I say "Thanks again" Wild says. "Okay ms.guppy im going to remove your iv is that okay with you?" The nurse says as the crouches at guppy's bedside. "Yes, but can I hold mommy's hand when you do it..." Guppy says

"Of course guppy" The nurse says as guppy grabs my hand. "Okay ready, 3,2,1." The nurse says before she pull it out and bandages guppy's arm. guppy now crying says "I'm tired, when are we going home?". "Right now, let's go Missy." Wildcard says as he picks up guppy. "Alright, thanks again so much" I tell the nurse before leaving the room. "Let's tell guppy tomorrow and take her to get ice cream" I say "yeah, that's smart." Wild says kinda mad about the fact that Mrs.Granada not telling us that we were responsible for guppy and were married. We exit the hospital fully and get in the car and drive to my house.

Wildcard's POV
"Alright guppy, your gonna stay the night at Missy's house okay? I am too" I say to guppy who is almost asleep in her car seat "okay.." is all I hear. "Wild, I feel so bad for guppy" I hear Missy say. "I know, me too I'm just mad at Lavagirl for doing this though. But she might have a good reason." I say. "Yeah, maybe, but I don't know how guppy will react, mad or sad." Missy says

5 minutes later

"Alright we are here, can you wake up guppy cause I don't want her to sleep in her clothes or dirty for that matter" Missy whispers "Guppy wake up..." I say shaking her slightly "Come on we gotta get inside you need to take a bath too." I say. Guppy opens her eyes and puts her arms up wanting to be carried. I pick her up and carry her inside and head upstairs so she can take a bath. "Missy, do you have any clothes for her?" I say as she walks to where I am. "Yea, I just went and got them, now let's go get this little one a bath"

Time skip 20 minutes

"Alright sweet child, let's get you to bed lord knows you need it" Missy says. I lay guppy in the bed Missy and I are also sleeping in but it's big enough to hold us all without necessarily touching much or at all. "Babe, we need showers too" Missy says. "Wanna take one together?" I say. "Sure, come on. You are required to sing with me." Missy says with an adorable smirk. "What? oh come on" I groan "Then no shower." Missy says looking at her nails "Fine." I say "Fingers crossed?" "Sure, I can sing a little im not amazing but, you my love are an amazing singer so this should be fun, now come on cause we need to go to sleep at some point." I say  walking into the bathroom

Time skip 2 minutes im not writing them stripping

Nobodies POV
Missy and wildcard are now in the shower.
Missy Wildcard Both
"Introduced me to your family"
"Watched my favorite shows on your Tv"
"Made me breakfast in the morning
When you got home from work"
"Making plans to travel 'round the world"
"Said we'd always put each other first"
"Old love songs we used to play to"
"Funny now I hate you"
"Now I remember when you called me late at night I gave you my hours and advice just tryna fix you and all your daddy issues but now I don't even miss you anymore"
"So I, I want all the tears back that I cried"
"All the hours spent giving advice on how to write your songs"
"All you did was prove me wrong"
"When you said you loved me, well you must've had your fingers crossed"
"Should've payed attention to my friends"
"Tellin me how bad it's gonna end"
"Always giving their opinions"
"Now I wish I would have listened"
"I could say I'm sorry but I'm not you don't deserve the one thing that you lost"
"And now I remember when you called me late at night and I gave you my hours and advice just fix you and all your daddy issues but now I don't even miss you anymore"
"So I, I want all the tears back that I cried"
"All the hours spent giving advice on how to write your songs"
"All you did was prove me wrong"
"When you said you loved me well you must've had your fingers crossed"
Your fingers crossed x2
"Oh when you said you loved me well you must've had your fingers crossed"
"So I, I want all the tears back that I cried, all the hours spent giving advice on how to write your songs all you did was prove me wrong"
"Wish you said you loved me when you didn't have your fingers crossed"

(A/N they washed so I don't wanna her that they
never washed 😭😭😭)
also I did discontinue for a lifetime I'm sorry I just lost all my sparks and interest for it - Lee💕
Also imagine wildcard singing like those whit TikTok boys that can sing I can't find a vid to describe it 😭 and Missy sings like the original artist had a baby with Ariana grande Idfk 😭😭😭

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