Chapter 11

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I'm time skipping in this chapter by hella months so I can publish my surprise also don't be confused when I post it all ima say is that Missy and wildcard babysat guppy a lot when she was a baby when they hung out

Missy's POV
I woke up to someone small in my bed. I open my eyes to see a teary eyed guppy. I check the time and it's 3 in the morning. "What happened?" I say. "Babe? What's going on?" I hear Wildcard say in a tired voice. "I had a bad dream" Guppy says. "Alright come sleep with us, just don't hit me with your cast your really strong, and that thing is really hard" Wildcard says in a slight joking tone before opening his arms for guppy to cuddle with us. She lays right in front of me on wildcard while I'm in his arms cuddling him laying my head on his chest. After we all just went to sleep...

Time skip by 7 months (I had to post my surprise it's bugging me)

Wildcards POV
"Babe, I have a surprise!" I hear a cheery Missy say. "Oh yea, what's up?" I say. "The gang is all coming together in a few days so we can all pull a stunt for paparazzi" Missy says (A/N Idfk) "what is the stunt exactly?" I say confused. "So rewind got ojo pregnant and acapella thought it would be funny since the paparazzi hasn't seen her or ojo in like forever, to come out with acapella's little cousin who looks just like her, and pose like her cousins parent and just suprise the paparazzi with ojo's pregnancy." Missy says. "So all of us are going, and guppy is our kid so we have her, and acapella has her cousin and we are gonna semi-prank the paparazzi? Okay"

"I'm so down!"


"Wild, are you ready yet I'm almost done" Missy says from the other room as Wild is in another with guppy. "Yeah me and guppy are done, I'm gonna grab her bag and go to the car."

Narrator's POV
They all go to the place they planned to meet at and all go down to where the paparazzi was and the paparazzi swarmed them and asked tons of questions about ojo and acapella having kids and Missy and wildcard having guppy

Time skip by 3 months
Missy and Wildcard became the legal guardians of guppy and are now amazing parents to her and posted tons of pictures on Instagram of them and with guppy with a few older ones of baby guppy and wildcard

Lavagirl and Sharkboy went off the grid completely and cut contact with everyone so guppy became used to calling Missy and wildcard her mom and dad everywhere

Everyone is still under the heroics name for work and have moved from junior heroics to the heroics except for guppy she still is a junior and will remain with ojo's child as a junior heroic for the years until she can join the heroics

All the heroics are retired and everyone is living their lives together

Everyone eventually settled down over the years and have lived there lives out as normal people with the occasional saving lives

Soo... this book is coming to its amazing end I'm happy to say and I wanna say thank you for reading my book im forever greatful for all the people who read my book. I love all of you guys so much forever, til next time - Lee💕

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