Chapter 5

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Missy's POV
After we get in the car to get guppy I check if her car seat is in the back and it is so I just turned back around and stayed silent but Wildcard knew I was off because I was being too silent as he likes to call it "Miss, You okay? your being a little to silent" He asks me "Huh, yeah I'm fine" I tell him "Okay" He says as he pulls into the driveway and we both get out and go to knock on the door where Lavagirl opens the door which I thought was weird because it was 6:30am and she hates getting up early but I brushed it off and went inside with Wildcard and we go into Guppy's room to find Guppy asleep still so I go wake her up and Wildcard picks her up as I go to her closet and pick her outfit and find a cute pair of overalls with sunflowers on them and I grab a white shirt and her white converses to go with them and walk out of her closet and see that Guppy is finally awake

"Hey Guppy." I say in a soft voice "let's go get dressed" I say taking her from Wildcard "out please." I tell wildcard and he leaves so I get guppy dressed then tell Wildcard he can come back in and he does I grab a brush and put Guppy's hair in two French braids and wildcard grabs Guppy and helps me up as I was sitting on the floor and he goes in the bathroom and I watch as he brushes Guppy's teeth with a smile and I take a picture and leave to get Guppy's bag and put the stuff lava girl left on the table for Guppy in the bag and Wildcard comes out of the bathroom holding Guppy and we start heading out quickly and Wild puts Guppy in her seat and I set her bag on the floor in the back and get in the front "Hey Guppy do you remember what Ms.G said about school?" I ask her "Yes I call you guys Mommy and Daddy" She says "Yes because Ms.G said you had to be our daughter for this" I tell her and after a few minutes we get to school and I grab Guppy and set her on the ground but hold her hand and pick up her bag and my bag as Wildcard comes around the car with his bag and holds Guppy's other hand and we start walking to the Pre-K unit Guppy was enrolled in and as we walk in guppy starts holding on to our hands a little tighter and we stopped "Hey, what's wrong baby?" I ask her "I don't wanna go Mommy" Guppy tells me and me and Wildcard share a glance "Hey look at it like this Gups when we drop you off remember we will always come back no matter what" Wildcard tells her "Okay Daddy now I'm ready to go" Guppy says with a smile so we all start walking again and we sign her in and she gives us big hugs and we kiss her cheeks and I whisper to her "no powers." before she runs to the room and the desk attendant says "You guys have an adorable daughter" "Thanks" Wildcard says

Wildcard's POV
"Baby you ready to go to class?" I ask Missy due to the fact we have 5 1/2 minutes before we are late "Wait you guys are in high school?" The desk attendant asks "Yea.. we had her when we were 14 actually.." I say as Missy nods "Oh okay cool you have a great life ahead of you!" The attendant says "Well we need to go now have nice day!" Missy says before grabbing my hand and we start walking to the high school unit "Hey guys!" We hear someone scream It's Acapella "where have y'all been class is gonna start in a little bit" she says  "oh hey pella we just dropped guppy off that's all" Missy says "oh yeah I forgot she put y'all in charge" Acapella says quietly "Now let's go we are about to be late on the first day!" Missy says "We have to run there" Acapella says "Okay I can work with that!" Me and Missy say before taking off at full speed with Acapella close behind and as soon as we get there we walk in and see the whole group sitting down waiting for us "Right on time!" Ff says as we go sit down "You're lucky the teacher hasn't gotten here yet!" Rewind buts in "Yeah, we know. we had to drop off Guppy but when we were leaving the desk attendant stopped us and asked us some questions holding us up a little" Missy says. Then the teacher came in...

To be continued because once again the chapters are becoming way to long compared to the rest of the chapters

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