Chapter 3

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Missy's POV
Me and wildcard ended up going back to my house after we left HQ and decided to watch a movie and stupidly I let him pick. Can you guess what he picked he picked Childs play a movie I'm terrified of. Guess what it gets better cause I never told him that of course so I have to suffer for an hour and a half yayy. Did you catch the sarcasm? As I go get the blanket he makes the popcorn and turns the movie on. I go back to the living room after grabbing some pillows from my room and see Wildcard waiting for me. "What took you so long?" He asks "I was trying to find a softer blanket chill." I respond "you do realize shark boy and lava girl have really tight schedules and might not be able to watch guppy sometimes during the week due to the fact that the crime rate is kinda high at the moment and the fact that they are the only heroics who are picked every time by Miss.Granada right." I tell wildcard "yea I know that but guppy is the best and anyone would agree with me on that." He says "Okay true but that whole "parent" thing might get taken to a higher level than we think" I say as I put quotes around parents

It's about to get real fluffy in here so beware jk it's just really cute

Wildcard's POV
"This first few weeks of school is gonna suck for me." Missy groans "Why do you say that.?" I ask "because I haven't been to school since I was 14 and I used to go to the school we start at tomorrow so they are gonna call me child bride and other mean stuff." Missy explains "ohh I get it, this right here might sell the "fact" guppy is our daughter tho." I tell her "but if people do call you that I will be right there with you." I say as I kiss her forehead "okay?" I say for reassurance "Okay." She assures me "I just realized the movie is playing still and we didn't even watch it, I'm sorry I just dropped a bomb of emotion on you and you couldn't even watch the movie Im such an idiot." Missy apologizes as she puts her face in her hands "hey you are not an idiot" I say as I take her face into my hands so she can look at me "I was talking to you about something important and so were you Missy." I smile at her "now c'mere" I say as I pull her into a bear hug "Thank you.." Missy says "for what?" I ask confused as we pull away but I'm still holding her waist "for always being there when I need you, for making me smile for the first time in almost a year, for helping me through hard times, for keeping my head up when I wanted to shun the world." Missy says in tears "Baby, look at me I'm always gonna be there for you no matter what people say or do and no matter how hard things get." I tell her not knowing what I just said Missy sobs a little "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask thing I did something wrong "you just called me "baby" Wild" Missy tells me making me blush "oh, I'm sorry I did-" I try to apologize but get cut off "No it's okay Wild really I thought it was sweet also just realized we might have to kiss at school too." Missy says "Then we will just kiss when called for to sell the act." I tell her "okay but now its really late and we need to go to sleep you can sleep with me in my room if you want." Missy offers "Thanks I will be up in a few but let's clean this up first." I tell her while picking up the bowl and cups "okay I'm gonna take the pillows and blanket upstairs you can just set them in the sink or something" Missy tells me before going upstairs

Missy's POV
After I went upstairs I took a shower and slipped into my silk nightgown and robe and braided my hair to find Wildcard in my bed half asleep "hey wildcard, come on can you move over please" I whisper to him while lightly shaking him "yeah, sure." Wildcard responds groggily due to the fact he was just barley awake and slides over a little making enough space for me to climb in and lay down "Hey you okay?" Wildcard asks me noticing i seem a little sad "yeah I'm fine I swear" I respond "okay if you say so let's go to sleep" Wildcard says as he lays down and I turn off the light and lay down as well and fall asleep

To be continued...

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