Chapter 6

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Missy's POV
The teacher came in and said "okay, sorry I'm late but now that I'm here we need to introduce some new students and get to know them!" Then she says "okay come on down and introduce yourselves don't be shy!" as she waves us down to her and we all get up and walk down "alright say your names and some stuff about you guys" the teacher says "okay, uh who wants to go first" Wildcard says "I guess I will go" Acapella says "Hey, everyone my name is Acapella and I like to sing and hang with my friends!" Then Slowmo "Hey I'm Slowmo and I like cooking." Then wheels goes "Hi my name is Wheels and I like hanging with my friends and technology!" Then Noodles goes"Sup, my name is Noodles and I like football and hanging with my friends" Then Rewind and Fast Forward go "Sup we are Rewind and Fast Forward and I like basketball and I like volleyball" they take turns saying Then Ojo "Hi, I'm Ojo and I like everything about Art!" And it ends on me and Wildcard "Hi I'm Missy and I'm Wildcard and we like hanging out with our friends or staying with our daughter." We say then the questions and chatter start "weird names!" "You have a daughter?!" Then one of my old classmates stands up "oh god..." I mutter "Huh?" Wildcard asks "So, that's why you left 3 years ago you were off slutting around and got pregnant" she says as she walks down to the front "ooo, your hot I think you should join my group!" She said "You just disrespected my girlfriend and daughter hard no!" Wildcard says making everyone except the group gasp including the teacher because she didn't know "Your the baby daddy" "
"Just ditch child bride and leave the brat with it and come join me and my squad"

I felt my eyes sting from tears and my face heat up "One don't call my daughter a brat Two don't ever call my girlfriend child bribe and Three leave me the fuck alone!" Wildcard says mad because of her disrespect to me and Guppy to then someone raises their hand and asks "What is you daughters name and what is she like?" "Her name is Guppy and she is 3 years old and loves playing in water and all around pretty fun." I answer holding Wildcards hand to calm him down and another hand goes up "Why do you have a daughter?" They ask "omg..." I mumble as if I'm talking to a child "I'm not answering that question along with any other stupid questions ." I say "Question for everyone including Missy why do you guys all have names that sound like superhero names?" Someone asks "coincidence I guess ask our parents or something we don't know" Acapella says "Does anyone else have kids or are in relationships?" Another student asks "Nobody has a kid except for Missy and Wildcard but we are all in relationships, I'm dating Fast Forward" Noodles says "I'm dating Ojo" Rewind says "I'm dating Wheels" Acapella says "I'm dating a girl named Gia who lives in Vancouver." Facemaker says "I'm dating a girl named Grace who lives in Miami" Slowmo says "Oh, and before you say their Girlfriends are fake we all met them and they are really nice and those two are actually from Canada and Florida not California, they just moved here and got their relationships while visiting family." Ojo says watching people because we all saw people about to say something

To be continued..... chill it's because my chapters are too long

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