004 gihun

579 11 1

You rolled over in your bed to turn on the lamp on your bedside table. Sitting up, you were hit with a pounding headache.

"Damn, hangovers are the worst" you groaned to yourself.

You don't remember much of what happened last night besides getting drunk. You groaned again and grabbed onto your head, the migraine clouding your memory. You sat in silence, looking around your room for some sort of clue about the events that unfolded last night. Everything was in the last place you remembered them; the curtains were closed, as usual, the light from the rising sun poking through them. Looking over, you see another body sleeping soundly next to you. He was shirtless and you realized you were too. Piecing together what happened, you quietly gasped. You pulled your comforter over your chest and blushed. You really...with him? He was a stranger, or at the very least, you didn't recognize him. Panic started to set in and you looked around for your clothes frantically. You spotted them and stealthily got out of bed, the cold air hitting your bare skin. You quickly got dressed and looked back at the man. He was still asleep, quietly snoring. You pondered what you would do when he woke up, which could be very soon. Looking over at the bathroom, you realized you had to pee. But you couldn't just leave him alone in your room. He could steal stuff or destroy your belongings. You decided to suck it up and wait till he left, whenever that was going to be. A couple of minutes went by before you decided that you should probably wake him up. You wanted him out as soon as possible. You cautiously tiptoed over to the side of the bed where he laid, gathering courage. You got a long look at his features, most of your nerves melting away. You blushed at his surprisingly good looks. His black hair was a mess and his eyes were accompanied by eye bags despite him being asleep. You looked at his cheeks which were slightly puffy and tinted with a light rose color. He looked so peaceful that you almost didn't wake him, but you had to.

"Uhm...excuse me..." you gently shook him earning a quiet groan from him.

He opened his eyes revealing their dark brown pigment. He stared at you for a second, seeming to process where he was. A wide smile appeared on his face once his morning grogginess left. You felt yourself smile back at him, unable to resist it. His smile was contagious, you knew that much.

"Good morning," he purred before sitting up and raising his arms to stretch them.

His voice was smooth with slight depth. Minute by minute, you forgot about needing to rush him out. 'He seems like a catch from his looks,' you thought, causing you to slightly smirk. You could do worse than him.

He sighed after finishing his stretch and looked back at you, the smile still on his face.

"So, what's for breakfast," he asked cockily.

You furrowed your brow, "what are you talking about?"

"Breakfast...you know, the meal you eat in the morning."

"I know what breakfast is. If you think I'm making you breakfast, you're sadly mistaken," you snapped at him.

How dare he expect breakfast? Maybe he wasn't such a catch after all.

"Relax, I'm just kidding," he chuckled, "don't get so worked up."

You felt your anger build up, ready to burst at any moment. Before you knew it, you had raised your hand and slapped him harshly across the face. The sound echoed through the room.

"You can't talk to me like that just because I let you sleep with me! You didn't deserve it," you screamed at him.

His eyes were wide and slightly panicked, "Woah Woah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that!"

Despite his apology sounding genuine, you continued to yell at him.

"I don't even remember what happened last night! For all I know, you could've taken advantage of me while I was drunk!"

He held his cheek as he listened, waiting for a chance to speak. You didn't give him that chance, explaining why you were upset instead. After the feeling of anger slowly left, you sighed, finally quieted down.

"Again, I'm sorry. I don't remember much from last night either. But I promise you that I didn't mean to upset you in any way. You said you were lonely and invited me to go home with you so I assumed it was okay. I apologize for the misunderstanding," he grabbed his clothes and put them on, not giving you a chance to close your eyes, "I'll see myself out. I hope you have a good rest of your day."

He slightly bowed and turned to leave. Regret washed over you and you grabbed his arm before he stepped out of reach.


He turned to you with slight confusion.

"I guess I could make breakfast for us, but you have to help..." you gave him a small smile.

His eyes lit up and he nodded in agreement, "yeah, of course."

Finished them with an hour and a half to spare, hell yeah. I hope you like them, if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

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