007 byeok

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Idea credit to my bestie. Hopefully, I wrote their vision well.

The golden sun lit up the field of tall grass. The blades danced as the wind blew against them. You were here on a picnic date with your girlfriend, Byeok. Although this wasn't her scene, she still tagged along, wanting to make you happy. Today was the perfect day to go; the sky was already beautiful. You both decided to go right before the sunset so you could watch it together. It wasn't your first date, but it was your most romantic.

Byeok followed behind you as you walked through the field, searching for the perfect spot. The sound of your footsteps squishing the grass filled the air as your eyes scanned around. She pointed out a large tree in distance; it looked like the perfect spot.

"Nice catch, babe" you praised, looking back at her.

Her cheeks were slightly flushed but she kept a serious look on her face. She didn't smile often but she could never hide her blush. Not much seemed to make her smile but you loved her anyway, knowing that she loved you back. You didn't need to hear her say it often but when she did, it was magical. It made you feel warm and queasy at the same time.

"You walk really slow," she commented, grabbing your hand as she passed you.

She pulled you the whole way to the tree. You couldn't help but chuckle at her eagerness.

"Are you excited or something, Byeok?"

"Maybe. We are also losing light. I don't want to eat in the dark, (Y/N)."

You sat down the picnic basket under the tree, pulling out the blanket, and laying it down. You both set everything out, sitting down after it was done.

The sky had started to turn a pink color as you sat and dug into the food. You had prepared sandwiches and Byeok's favorite soda, along with some desserts. Cooking wasn't your specialty so you had just bought them from a convenience store; Byeok said she didn't mind as she was used to it. They were tasty so you didn't mind either.

You couldn't help but watch her as she nibbled on her sandwich.

"Is it good," you asked her.

She nods, taking another bite, "yeah, thank you."

Nodding, you went back to eating yours. It was silent for a while. Byeok didn't talk much but you didn't mind. No matter what conversation was happening (or lack thereof), you were happy to be around her. It seemed that she didn't mind it either. You both just enjoyed admiring each other.

You couldn't help but smile thinking about how amazing she was. She was sweet, thoughtful, knew exactly who she was, and she was quite protective. Not everyone saw her silver lining, often calling her cold and emotionless, but you did. It was all you saw. Any flaw that she pointed out about herself, you were quick to tell her what was good about it. She did the same for you, making you feel on top of the world. It was rare that you talked or even thought bad about yourself. How could you when you had the prettiest girl as your girlfriend?

"How about we do some cloud-watching," you set your sandwich down.

"Sure, but if you say some cheesy shit, I'm out" she replied with a straight face.

You stared at her with a slightly confused expression.

"Joke" she added.

"Right, sorry" you chuckled nervously.

You could never tell what was a joke or what wasn't. It was difficult when her expression never changed. You assumed you'd get used to it though. It had only been 2 months since you had started dating but you had already learned so much about her. You knew there was a ton more to discover though. She was a very complex person and it excited you that she had chosen you to be her partner. You got to be so close to her, and her close to you. You couldn't ask for anything more.

The clouds slowly floated gracefully across the now yellow-orange sky. It had been a while since you just admired the sky for what it was. It had been even longer since you had felt this at peace. Watching the sun go down with Byeok was a memory you would always keep close to your heart.

You closed your eyes, focusing on the feeling of the warm grass brushing against your skin. You could die here and you wouldn't mind: you were in already heaven after all. Being here with her felt like a dream that you never wanted to end.

"Let's do this again soon, okay?"

You looked over at Byeok, slightly surprised.

"Of course, this is really nice" you looked back up at the sky, your cheeks feeling hot.

Hey! Did you miss me?? Sorry I had been gone for such a long time. I've been busy plus extremely unmotivated but I AM BACK!!!

Love yall!!

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