005 ali

395 9 15

After work, you decided that once you got home you'd run yourself a nice relaxing bath. Work was exhausting as usual, everyone hounding you with extra work and giving you no space to breathe. The thought of taking a warm bath excited you. It would be just you and your thoughts, exactly how you liked it. Once you got home, you found a note on the table. Grabbing it, you read it carefully.

'Went out to get some groceries, ill be back soon! Love, Ali'

You couldn't help but smile at his neat handwriting and the cute little heart he drew next to his name. He was so adorable. Putting the note back down on the table, you set your stuff down on the couch. You stood in the middle of the living room for a minute before making your way to the bathroom. The bathroom was small but neat. Ali prided himself in a clean house and you didn't mind one bit. You tried to clean up after yourself despite him saying he didn't care; you didn't want him to feel like he was becoming a maid.

'It's the least I could do' he would say after you'd scold him for doing too much. While you appreciated that he wanted to pull his own weight, sometimes he got a little carried away and did way more than he needed to. You were kind of glad he quit his job a couple of years back which gave him all this time to clean. He was treated awfully and was barely paid. His boss always had a different excuse every time he asked where his paycheck was. The last straw was when he had lost two of his fingers in one of the machines which was no fault of his own. You begged him to quit after that; you offered to get a job so he could recover. It took a month's worth of convincing for him to finally quit. He had become more easygoing after that, which wasn't a surprise.

Turning on the faucet, you got undressed and carefully hung up your clothes on the hook that loosely hung on the wall. Ali had offered to fix it but declined, claiming you could do it yourself. You couldn't. As you waited for the tub to fill, you grabbed your favorite candle and sat it down on the side table that sat next to the tub. You gently lit it and turned off the lights, leaving only the glow of the flame to light the room. You felt your stress melt away as you stepped into the tub and sank until your body was enveloped in the warm water.

"Ah...this is the stuff" you sighed to yourself, closing your eyes.

You imagined all the negative energy and thoughts from that day seeping out of your skin and rising into the steam hovering over the water. You were slightly disturbed by the sound of the front door opening and closing.

"Damn, this stuff is heavy," you heard your boyfriend sigh and then a loud thump from him setting down the groceries.

You smiled to yourself and you listened to him name everything that he got, helping him remember where they went. You realized he didn't know you were home when he mumbled something about getting you a gift. He was so sweet you couldn't help but blush. You couldn't understand what he said he had got but you knew you'd love it regardless.

"Aliiiiii..." you finally blurted out after a couple of minutes.

You heard another loud thump, "shit!"

You giggled, wondering if he'd ever get over his clumsiness. You heard a knock on the door which made you roll your eyes.

"We've been together for like 3 years, don't you think we are past politely knocking?"

"Right, erm, sorry," he opened the door and stepped in, his face going red.

You rested your arms on the side of the tub, admiring him.

"Your hair looks really good today," you smiled at him, "do you wanna relax with me? God knows you need it more than me."

He nodded, his face lighting up. As he got undressed, you got up. There was no way to comfortably sit next to each other so you had to sit in between his legs. Neither of you minded though, just a way to be closer to each other. Once you were both sitting comfortably, you leaned back to lay on his chest. You watched him wrap his strong arms around you, giving you a gentle squeeze. Examining his hands that rested on your stomach, you blushed at his pronounced veins. Your eyes made their way up his toned arms before they landed on his eyes. He tilted his head to look at you causing some of his curls to tickle your face. All you could do was smile at him at that moment. The sight of him always filled you with an overwhelming amount of joy. While he sometimes annoyed you with his passiveness and sometimes ignorance, you wouldn't trade him for anything. He planted a kiss on your forehead before he spoke.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you," he asked.

"Yeah, like every day," you giggled.

He kissed your forehead again, "well, just as a reminder, I love you a whole bunch. More than you'll ever know. And I'd do whatever it takes to keep that beautiful smile on your face."

You blushed at his words. He always knew what to say to make you weak.

"Yeah? Well, I'd do whatever and more to keep you happy," he snickered.

"Always one-upping me huh? I can play that game too. Let's see, " he tightened his grip on you as he thought, "you completely changed my life when we met. You saved me from a life of debt and I owe you the world. And I plan to get it because my little princess deserves everything she wants."

You twisted around to sit on his stomach.

"Okay Mr. Hotshot, I think you deserve the world too, and I'd work till my last second on earth if it meant you didn't have to worry about anything again. I'd totally do anything for you. Beat that, loser."

He stared into your eyes with a giant smile pasted on his face. He didn't say a word, admitting defeat. You laid back down on him, burying your face in the crook of his neck with a satisfied sigh. 'Nothing could be better than this' you thought to yourself. You both laid there in silence as he softly ran his soft hand up and down your back. Slowly, you felt the heat leave the water.

"We better get out sweetheart before we freeze to death" Ali suggested.

You whimpered, wanting to stay there forever.

"I know, I know" he replied before he stood up, lifting you with him. It was crazy how strong he was.

He stepped out and carried you to bed, laying you down.

"Get dressed now, I'll be back soon okay? I just need to clean up a bit" he gave you a quick peck on the lips and left the room.

Instead of getting dressed you decided to just shimmy under the covers and close your eyes; slowly drifting off to sleep before he came back.

I know I kinda got a little carried away with this one but like c'mon, it's Ali and he deserves cute stories.

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