008 gihun

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Rummaging through my purse, I finally found the money for my snacks. I handed it to the cashier and looked around as I patiently waited for her to put my items in a bag. It was night so there was only one other person there besides me and the cashier. It was an older man; he was rough-looking but still pretty handsome. He wore a tan jacket and a lilac shirt. His dark hair was messy and wavy. You knew just from looking at it that it was soft. As he turned to look at me, I felt my cheeks heat up. His look was stressed, his dark brown eyes accompanied by eye bags. It looked like he hadn't slept in days; weeks even.

"Uhm, excuse me miss" the cashier politely said.

I quickly turn back to her and take the bag, apologizing profusely. I took another look at him as I passed him on my way out of the store. There was a scratch on the bridge of his nose and his cheek was red and bruised. It looked like he had gotten into a fight, and he had lost. It was none of my business though. Besides, it's dumb to talk to strangers at night. And he was as strange as he could get.

I turned a corner and stopped, second-guessing my decision. Yeah, he kind of looked strange but maybe he really needed someone's help. Maybe he was homeless and didn't have anywhere to stay. I couldn't just let him stay outside when it was this cold. I sighed and turned around, walking back to the store. He was now outside, sitting at the table in front of the store. Stopping a few feet from him, I slightly bent over and tilted my head.

"Excuse me, sir? Are you okay" I asked him with concern in my voice.

He quickly looked up at me suddenly as if he was surprised I was speaking to him. He just stared at me, staying quiet. I repeated my question, stepping closer.

"Oh, uh, yeah, I'm okay" he finally replied, covering his bruised cheek.

"What happened to you?"

"I don't even know" he looked back down at the table, shaking his head.

It was worse than I had thought. I pulled out the chair and sat down, not taking my eyes off him. He kept his gaze down at the table, refusing to look up at me. I gulped, resisting the urge to offer to take him home. It was extremely dumb to even consider taking a stranger home. There were so many bad things that could happen.

"Do you have a place to stay at all?"

Damn it. He looked up, the surprised look returning to his face. His eyes were no longed glazed over but instead sparkling. It made me think that not many people were kind to him. The marks on his face only made me believe it more. His good looks were getting to me. The desire to help became stronger the more I looked at him.

"Not really, but I- I don't wanna invade your space" he politely smiled causing me to blush.

"I insist," I replied, standing up, "I'll cook you something to eat while you warm up."

He slowly stood up, almost towering over me. He was a giant compared to my 5'3 stature, a huge advantage over me. I could turn and run away now before I got myself into trouble. I stayed still though, waiting for him to follow me home.

I unlocked my door and pushed it open.

"Home sweet home," I said hanging up my coat.

"Wow, your apartment is very nice ma'am" he smiled, looking around.

"Just call me (Y/N)."


The way he said my name sent shivers down my spine. I was in for a long night.

He sat down at the kitchen counter, watching me gather ingredients. He begged me to let him help but I declined.

"You just need to relax," I told him, "I'm fine."

He kept a concerned look on his face as I cooked, leaving to the bathroom after I suggested that he tend to his wounds. What are you thinking... You have no idea who he is yet you've invited him to your place. What has gotten into you, (Y/N)? I poured the cooked noodles into two bowls, setting them both on the counter and adding toppings.

"Dinner's ready" I yelled to him, sitting down in one of the chairs.

He came out of the bathroom a few seconds later and sat next to me. Despite looking homeless, he smelled extremely good. Like...manly vanilla, if there is such a thing. I looked over at him and smiled. He really was cute, especially up close.

"You never told me your name by the way" I stated before taking a large bite of my noodles.

"Oh, it's Gi-Hun," he replied, trying to keep his noodles in his mouth.

I nodded, continuing to eat. We talked as we finished eating. Mostly about ourselves and where we had grown up.

"You know, I'm surprised you're 48; you don't look that old," I said, setting the bowls in the sink.

"I'm not sure if that was meant as a compliment but I'll take it as one," he chuckled.

"I meant it to be. Between you and me, you're actually pretty cute."

He blushed, trying to contain a smile, "well you're not too bad yourself, (Y/N)."

Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad night after all. He seemed nice and he didn't say anything weird...yet.

"Hey, (Y/N)? Do you have a boyfriend?"

Oh boy...


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