Chapter 4

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I don't think you all are ready for this chapter. I don't think you are mentally prepared for all that is about to happen. And all the guess that have been brought forward have been ansswered in like a few sentences down.

Lily’s POV

I woke up to a soft kiss on my lips. I opened my eyes and saw Tyler. “I have Starbucks.” He said. I smiled and jumped for my coffee. He laughed and handed it to me. “Toasted blueberry muffin with butter.” He said handing me the bag. I smiled and took it. “I love you so much.” I said with a mouth full of muffin. He laughed. “I know you do.” He said. We finished eating and cuddled in my bed. “Is your dad back?” she asked. “They are five minutes away.” He said. “I have missed them.” I said. He smiled. We heard voices downstairs and coming up. I screamed and ran out of bed tackling the person I have missed for the past few months. “Please don’t leave me ever again.” I said clinging to the person and crying. “I promise baby. I am not leaving for a long time.” She said kissing my head. “I love you mom.” I said burying my face into her chest. “MOM’S HOME!” Lucas yelled as he ran out into the hallway. He joined the hug carefully. “I am home.” She said kissing our heads then looking at Lucas. “Baby boy, what happened to you?” mom asked. “I got a little beat up but nothing I can’t handle.” He said smiling at me. I kissed his cheek. “Mom, you want to meet my boyfriend.” I said standing up. “I would love to.” She said. I ran into my room and grabbed Tyler. She smiled. “I so called this when you two were babies.” She said. We laughed and Tyler kissed my head. My dad came out of his room. “Hey sexy, you’re home.” He said kissing my mom. I made a gagging noise and Lucas chuckled.

Andrea’s POV
I caught Lily in my arms and held her tightly. She wrapped her legs around my body. “MOM’S HOME!” Lucas yelled running out joining the hug. “I am home.” I said kissing their heads taking in Lucas’s appearance. “Baby boy, what happened to you?” I asked. “I got a little beat up but nothing I can’t handle.” He said smiling at me. Lily kissed his cheek. “Mom, you want to meet my boyfriend.” She said standing up. “I would love to.” I said. She ran into her room and came back. I smiled. “I so called this when you two were babies.” I said. We laughed and Tyler kissed her head. “Hey sexy.” Dahvie said coming over to kiss me. Lily made a gagging noise and Lucas laughed. “How was tour?” he asked. “Never again, am I going on tour with your Uncle Andy.” I said. The kids smiled. “Why it was so much fun?” Andy said coming up the stairs with Ashley trailing behind him. “DAD!” Tyler screamed attacking him. “Hi buddy.” He said hugging him. “Where is Lacey?” he asked. “At home with mom.” Tyler said. “Well say goodbye and let’s go home.” Ashley said. Tyler nodded and said goodbye-kissing Lily. “Now Andy, say your goodbyes and let me be with my babies.” I said. “Goodbye young ones. I will see you soon for this goober’s birthday.” He said ruffling Lily’s hair. She pouted and fixed it. “I have missed you so much, mom.” Lily said not letting go of me. Dahvie motioned to her wrist. My smile fell. “Well how about I cook up some lunch and you can help me while your father and brother go get your uncle and aunt from the airport.” I said. She nodded running down the stairs. "She did it the other day." He said kissing me again. "I will talk to her. Don't worry baby. I'm sorry I was gone for so long." I said kissing him. "I just missed you so much." He said as he wrapped his arms around me. I buried my face into his chest. Lucas cleared his throat. I let go of Dahvie and hugged him. "I missed you so much." I said kissing his head. "I've missed you too mom. I hate when you are away." He said. "I do too baby boy. That's why I think I'm gonna just stick to touring with your dad." I said. He smiled and hugged me tightly. I've missed my family so much over these past few months. I heard Dahvie and Lucas leave. I walked into the kitchen and found Lily waiting for me. "Mom." She said running over crying into my shoulder. I picked her up and held her close. "It's okay baby. Mommy has you." I said rubbing her back. "Lily, promise me you won't do it again." I said. She nodded and just kept crying. "Hey, stop crying, pretty girls don't cry." I said wiping away her tears. She smiled and stood on her own feet. "Oh mom, I need to show you something but you promise not to flip out on dad." She said. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "Fine." I said. She pulled down her pants and showed me her leg. She had a beautiful cherry blossom tattoo on her leg but I am mad Dahvie let her get it without consulting me. “It is beautiful baby but why did you get it?” I asked. “Because I wanted a memory of you due to the fact I almost lost you. Plus about the fragileness and preciousness of life.” She said. “Well I love it and baby girl, you will never loose me. I promise that. I was not giving up without a fight.” I said. Lily smiled and hugged me. I fear she will not be happy when she leaves us for college. I would like her to commute from home but I know she might want to live away. We started making fresh tomato soup because Lily wanted grilled cheese and tomato soup. “Mom, what did it feel like dying?” she asked. “Lily, why would you ask that?” I asked her. “The other day, I was wondering what it would feel like if I died.” She said. “Honey, don’t you dare think of that. Your father and I would be a wreck and Tyler would probably want to join you. Lucas would be extremely upset. You would hurt so many people baby. Your life has worth and don’t you ever forget that.” I said. She nodded and I held her kissing her head. “Where is my favorite niece?” I heard my brother yell. Lily screamed and I followed her. I found her hugging Aussie to death. “Hi Sam, you are looking good. Now where is my nephew?” I said. “He is asleep in the car. Poor kid still isn’t used to jet lag.” She said. I ran outside and saw little Jackson asleep in the car. “If you don’t wake up the tickle monster is going to get you.” I said. He shot awake and smiled. “Auntie Andrea.” The little six year old said hugging me. I smiled and picked him up. “How is my favorite nephew?” I asked. “I am good. I miss everyone.” He said. “Well let’s convince daddy and mommy to stay here.” I said walking into the house. “We actually wanted to talk about that. We bought a house here. We miss you all and it isn’t right being so far away.” Aussie said. I smiled and hugged him. He took Jackson to wash up his hands so he would be ready for lunch. Lily and I made the grilled cheeses quickly and set them out as I poured soup into the bowls. We set the nine plates out on the table and everyone started eating. Lily was right next to me. I rubbed her back to let her know she was okay and that I was here. She always has a hard time being away from me. We finished eating and we all sat in the living room. I heard a knock at the door. I went to get it and it was Andy, Juliet and Robin with my little surprise for Lucas. Robin ran right over to Lucas and kissed him. “What did we miss?” Andy and I asked at the same time. Robin and Lucas blushed. “Oh we came over because you forgot your surprise on the bus. He was hiding in my bunk.” Andy said handing me the leash. “Andrea, please tell me it is not another dog.” Dahvie said. I giggled. We walked into the living room. “Lucas, this is Joker. Your Uncle Andy named him but you can change his name. We found him wandering stray on tour and I decided you need a friend like Lily so I decided to nurse him back to health.” I said. Joker ran right over to Lucas and sat on his lap. “You’re a big guy.” Lucas said scratching Joker’s head. “Thank you mom. And I think I will keep his name.” he said. Andy did a little happy dance. “Andrea we have four dogs now.” Dahvie said. “One more can’t hurt and look how happy he is baby.” I said. Dahvie smiled and gave in. “Robin, we have to go see your grandparents now.” Andy said. “Bye, Lucas.” She said kissing his cheek. “Bye Robin.” Lucas said. We went back to talking and spending family time together. I realize how much I miss this when I leave to tour with Andy and the guys every time I come home. I watched Lily play with little Jackson. He giggled and held onto her as she tickled him. She brought him downstairs to watch a movie and Lucas followed along with Tattoo and Joker. “Now that Lily is out of hearing range, I have something to tell you.” Dahvie said. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “I’ve just missed you so much. It is always so hard when you are gone. Lily is always upset unless she is around Tyler. And it isn’t the same sleeping in a bed alone. I now know how you felt every time I tour.” He said. I laughed a little and kissed him. “Well I have decided to only tour with my husband from now on.” I said. He smiled and kissed me again. My little pug Maggie jumped up on my lap and fell asleep. “So when will you be moved back?” I asked Aussie. “We hope next month. After Lily’s birthday and my birthday, we are going to head home, pack up and ship everything here.” He said. “I will be happy to have you home.” I said. He smiled and hugged me. I heard a scream from downstairs. I gave Maggie to Sam and ran. I found Lily getting tickled to death by Jackson and Lucas. “Don’t scream like that again. I thought someone was hurt.” I said. “Sorry mom.” She said. I nodded and headed back upstairs to the adults. “The boys were tickling her.” I said. Sam let out a sigh of relief. My dads soon left saying they were tired when in all reality we knew what they were going to do. Jayy started doing drag and I love it. Aiden called him mom a few times when he saw him in drag and we would laugh. Jayy didn’t mind, he found it cute. We honestly just sat there talking for hours catching up and thinking of ideas for Lily’s party if she wants to have a party this year. I finally got up with Sam to make dinner. We sent Aussie to get the kids as Dahvie set the table. We ate dinner and then Aussie, Sam and Jackson left for Sam’s parents for the night and tomorrow.

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