Chapter One

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It was a winter evening and Optimus and Megatron were snuggled up on the couch, Megatron trying to calm the violently shaking prime "Megatron how is Optimus doing" Ratchet asked with worry in his voice "Not good he is still shaking violently" 

You're probably wondering how this happened 


"Optimus the deception is Just up ahead," Megaton said as he continued to walk with the bots and cons, "Okay, Thank you Megatron, Autobot, Decepticons Get ready," Optimus said as he turned his servos into his blaster as did everyone else, "WHO DARES ENTER MY SNOW RELEM!!!    Roared an unfamiliar voice "We do not wish to make any harm to you, but you are making a disturbance to this area and with the humans who live here" "Why should I care about small insects, I DO WHATEVER I PLEASE"  The voice roared again and a poler bear looking Decepticon came out and charged at Optimus and knocked him back and into a mountain wall " DECEPTICONS, AUTOBOTS ATTACK!!!" Megatron roared and blasted the polar bear in the back

 Hey guys, I hope you guys like this as this is my first Optimus x Megatron story. Sorry for leaving it at a cliff hanger I have to go as I am getting a new Samsung J3 phone

Optimus x Megatron: The winter stormWhere stories live. Discover now