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Ratchet's p.o.v

Ratchet came into the family room to see Optimus and Megatron sleeping on the couch in front of the fireplace, Ratchet smiled and went over to check Optimus's pulse "good he is still alive" Ratchet then left to the room to make Optimus's medicine, "Hey Ratchet!" "Hm," Ratchet hummed as he continued walking down the hall with the younger mech chasing him to catch up "Ratchet? When will Optimus recover??" "I'm not sure why do you ask Hot rod??" "Well umm... Optimus said he would teach me a few fighting skills" Ratchet turned around and stared at Hot rod "YOU'RE SAYING YOU WANT OPTIMUS TO TEACH YOU FIGHTING SKILLS IN HIS BAD FORM!!" Ratchet yelled at Hot rod and watched him shake  his helm quickly and put his servos up in surrender, " No no I didn't mean to say it like!!!" Hot rod said in a shaky voice" "You have 10 seconds to run" Ratchet said as he grabbed a wrench, Hot rod stared at the wrench for a few seconds before running as fast as he could, Ratchet threw the wrench and hit him on the back of the helm and fell with a big THUMP, Ratchet turned around and walked back to the sickbay to make Optimus's medicine.


 Optimus's p.o.v

Optimus yawned as he woke up from his recharge and looked to the right a little to see his spark-mate asleep with his arm on Optimus's back Optimus's processor: Should I wake him up, It's been about HOW BY THE ALLSPARK ITS BEEN ABOUT 9 HOURS!!!!!!" "Megatron wake up," Optimus said in a bit of a weak and shaky voice "What, what is it what's wrong??" Megatron said as he got up and flung Optimus to the other side of the couch "Ow" "Sorry Optimus you okay?" "I'm fine Megatron, but we slept in for 9hours," Optimus said as he looked up at Megatron as he sat down beside him "Megatron I'm fine" Megatron put up 5 digits " How many digits am I holding up?" Megatron asked as he saw Optimus squint his optics "8?" Optimus said as he looked at Megatron who had a worried look on his faceplates *Sighs* "Stay here Optimus" Optimus looked at the floor before looking at his mate but nodded and watch him leave. Megatron walked the halls to the sickbay looking for the orange and white medic, "Ratchet? You in here??" "Over here Megatron" he heard the medic and followed his voice, he found the medic in his usual place (yep you guessed it at the computer) "what do you need Megatron, Is something wrong with Optimus," Ratchet asked Megatron as he turned around and looked at Megatron with a worried look, "Optimus didn't know how many digits I was holding up, I'm afraid some- Glass shattering*  "LORD MEGATRON " "what's going on Knockout!" Megatron growled, "Optimus was taken!" Knockout said with terrified optics, Megatron's optics widened and went to go after Optimus but when he got there everything was destroyed in the room, Megatron dropped to the floor and screamed he didn't know if he was angry or sad, 

 Optimus p.o.v

Optimus struggled and tried to get out of the creature's grip, the creature's grip tightened and Optimus cried out for Megatron, "W-will t-this be the last time I see Megatron? I'll never get to hear his laugh, or feel his warmth in his hugs* Tears started to fall from Optimus's optics. They started to go down somewhere, The creature threw Optimus into a crystal cave Optimus looked around and saw something coming toward him, Optimus tried to back up but he was pinned down by the dark creature "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!" Optimus yelled " "you of course! you know where the Allspark is, tell me what I want to know or you will die"  Optimus stared at the creature in fear and said something under his breath "I'm sorry what did you say prime?" "Get fragged" The creature roared in anger and stabbed his claw-like fingers Into Optimus chest, Optimus screamed in pain and put a servo over his wounds, and passed out, and before he passed out the last thing he heard was" take him his new room"

Optimus x Megatron: The winter stormWhere stories live. Discover now