Help him Please!

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Optimus's P.O.V

I yawned as I woke up, I do my morning routine 

1. Get up and stretch

2. Make Energon coffee 

3. Go for My Morning jog 

4. do dishes

''morning Prime'' I look over to see Megatron walking up to me, ''good morning Megatron'' I continued to wash the dishes when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist, I stop and turn my head around to see Megatron looking at me with a smile, I smile back and continue the dishes but I wasn't able to finish all of them when ''Megatron!!'' Megatron Lifted me up and started spinning ''Oh come on prime its been hours take a break"  I just stare at him "It's been like 2 hours!, so It hasn't been hours" Megatron sighed and stayed where he was until *BAM* "ugh what now!" I growl before grabbing my stuff, we run to the control as fast as we could, "Now what's happening! " I yell they all look at me shocked "What" I look into the mirror to see that my armor has changed Blue changed to to a dark purple and red to a black color, and my optics were red as human blood, I stare at myself in horror, I knocked the mirror down and run away

Megatron's point of view

"Optimus!" I watch him run out of the room as fast as he could, I start to follow him when a servo stops me "What are u doing Ratchet I have to go after him!" "Give him some time Megatron" I sigh and give a nod and look at the door "I'm going to my berth room" I hear the door sliding open and a very tired and sad looking prime comes in and sits on the other side of the bed, I sit up and hug him, Prime just slightly and looks at me, he lays back and snuggles into my chest, I can hear him sobbing " Why are you crying Optimus?" I ask softly and lift his chin, "I-It H-Hurts" "What hurts?" I start to get worried, "E-every-everything" He says weakly as he coughed up energon, I pick him up and rush over to the med bay where Knockout was, "Lord megatr- What happened?!?!" Knockout asked and ran over when he say his lord and a prime with energon leaking from his mouth, "I don't know he came into my room and he started coughing up energon" I said my voice shaking, I was scared to lose Optimus, I can't lose Orion again.

Optimus x Megatron: The winter stormWhere stories live. Discover now