the Beautiful Honeymoon

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Megatron's P.O.V

I yawn as I woke up and do my morning stretch, I look over to see that Optimus wasn't there, I start to panic as I went on a hunt for Optimus, I ran through the halls making everyone look at me as if something was happening, then I hear the PA come on "Megatron to control room, Megatron to control room over" I run over to the control room only to see an empty room, "Optimus?" "SUPRISE!!!!!" Yelled Optimus and jumped on my back and the lights come on to see that the room was all decorated, "It's our 20th Anervusry!" Optimus said happily, "Oh yeah, what are our plans for today?" "What humans call is the beach" "Oooooh sounds nice," Megatron said as he lifted Optimus off of his back, Optimus giggled as I set him down, once I set him down he took my servo and dragged me to the ground bridge area, I smile as he took me to the most beautiful place I have ever seen

Optimus's P.O.V

As we came through the Ground Bridge I noticed that Megatron was staring at the sunrise "Like it?" I asked with a small chuckle, "yes, I never seen something so beautiful, oh wait yes I have" Megatron said with a smirk "Wha-" I was cut off cause: Megatron's Kiss, I wrapped my arms around Megatrons neck cables as we continued to kiss, Megatron Broke the kiss to catch his breath, We smiled at one another for a few moments and then we spent the day at the beach no fights, no distractions, just us.

Sorry this chapter is super short, I didn't really have a lot of time on my hands

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