Learning to fly

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Imagen Optimus is toothless in the gif up top

Optimus and Predaking were outside Predaking teaching Optimus how to fly, Predaking put a saddle on Optimus so he can tie a rope to the saddle so he doesn't get caught by the wind and get hurt, "Okay Optimus Now spread your wings" Optimus spread his wings and the wind lifted him up a bit, "that's it Optimus" Optimus looked at Predaking with a smile, Predaking smiled back, Optimus closed his wings and landed softly, "you're a fast learner Optimus, you'll be up in the air in no time, "thanks Predaking" "No problem Optimus" Optimus smiled and they began to practice, Optimus got the hang of it quickly and was up in the air with Predaking and Megatron

(Mixing universes) 

Optimus and Predaking

Optimus, Megatron, and Predaking were in the sky Megatron got shot with a net, "OPTIMUS PREDAKING!!" Optimus and Predaking both stopped and looked down their optics widened, Optimus doesn't wait for Predakings orders and dives for his spark mate," OPTIMUS" Predaking roared, Optimus reaches Megatron and blasts the rope without hurting Megatron, Optimus grabs Megatron with his Front paws and goes with a rocky area and doges all of them, and goes over to an island to let Megatron rest, "Thanks Optimus" "anytime Megatron, Optimus, and Megatron look ahead to see Predaking flying over to join them "well done Optimus" "thanks Predaking" "How are you Megatron? what happened?" "What does it look like happened, someone tried to kill me!" Predaking noded, and looked at Optimus then at Megatron "fast learner, how did you get past those rocks, you didn't even have any training for that" "I don't know, I just did it" Predaking nodded again and noticed a bot looking at them, Predaking looked closer to see that it was Starscream, Starscream transformed into his jet and flew off, "I think I know who tried to kill you Megatron" "who?" "Starscream" Optimus, Megatron, and Predaking looked at one another before Megatron got up to go and beat the scrap out of Starscream, but Optimus Wrapped his tail around Megatron's chest "What?" "Something isn't rig-" Optimus trailed off as he looked over to the ocean "Optimus you okay? Predaking?" Predaking looked at Megatron shrugging, Optimus unwrapped his tail and flew off toward the sound he was hearing, "OPTIMUS WHERE ARE YOU GOING??!!!" Megatron yelled, Optimus stopped in mid-air and looked at the two, then flew away again. 

Optimus's P.O.V

"where is this sound coming from? why can only I hear it,"  I look over to the left to see another Predacon coming for me, "Omg omg omg!!! who is this why me!  I do and fast u-turn and start flying back to Megatron and Predaking, I feel my spark beating quickly as I flew as fast as I could, I could see Predaking and Megatron flying back to base, "PREDAKING, MEGATRON HELP!!!!!" They look over to see me being chased by other Predacons, Predaking came flying towards me and attacked the other Predacons "OPTIMUS GET TO BASE NOW!!" Predaking yelled, I nod and start flying as fast as I could to base, I growl as I feel other Predacons coming on me, I growl and close my optic and electricity surrounded my body and electrocuted the Predacons and I became invisible.

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