Sleeping on the couch with a shivering prime

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All of the Autobots and the Deceptions started to blast the polar bear rouge con, Megaton Went over to Optimus who was getting up from the polar bear's blast, "You okay" "Yeah I'm fine Megs" Optimus said as he walked up to Megaton and looked at the rouge con, Optimus then put his battle mask on and turned his servos sword and his left into his blaster, Megaton followed his lead and they joined the fight, everyone was blasting at the rouge con, Optimus started to fight the con, Everyone stopped blasting so they wouldn't blast Optimus, "OPTIMUS LOOKOUT" Yelled bulkhead, Optimus turned to see the con do a sonic blast roar at him, Optimus went flying back and the con jumped up and slammed Optimus into thin ice, Optimus and the con disappeared into the ice, "OPTIMUS" Megaton yelled looking around for his spark mate,

Underwater: Optimus tried to focus as he tried to fight the polar con "You come into my turf and attack me, so now YOU MUST DIE" The polar con said as he hit Optimus again and did an upper punch and sent Optimus Flying out of the water and onto land, All of the Autobots and Deceptions watched as Optimus came out of the ice and onto land unconscious as he made a crater in the snowy earth, The Polar con didn't come back and went to an iceberg, Megaton ran to his unconscious Optimus to see him all bruised and open cuts everywhere, "Ratchet send a Ground bridge Optimus is hurt and freezing to death" " Ground bridge coming up and I'll get sickbay ready" Ratchet said through the commlink and soon after a green, blue and purple portal opened and ratchet came out with a med berth, Megaton Picked Optimus up and put him in the berth and Ratchet rushed Optimus to the Sickbay. Minutes later after Ratchet and Megs have a talk   Ratchet came back with Optimus is results " Optimus will recover but will not be going on the battle fled anytime soon" ratchet said as he told the Autobots and the Deceptions, "can I see him?" Ratchet nodded and singled Megaton to follow him, when they got to the sickbay Optimus was sitting up but...he was shivering violently "W-why i-is i-it s-so c-cold??" Optimus asked through shivers, "You got thrown into an iced-over lake, you will be cold for the next four days, I suggest you sit in front of the fire" Ratchet said as he went to turn the fireplace on, Megaton came over and hugged Optimus "I'm glad your okay Optimus, just don't do that again" Optimus nodded and leaned into Matron's touch, "Okay the fireplace is ready for you Optimus and the couch is near it but not close enough to catch fire" "Thank you Ratchet" Ratchet nodded and went to the computer to do some work. Megaton led Optimus to the fireplace and sat him down Once Optimus was sitting down Megaton joined Optimus and told Optimus to lay down, Optimus looked at Megaton and did as told

They look like this

Optimus was a shivering mess, Megatron tried his best to warm the Freezing prime, but everything he did didn't help "Optimus, how are you feeling now?" Megatron asked as Optimus looked at him "S-still c-cold" Optimus said as Megatron hugged him ti...

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Optimus was a shivering mess, Megatron tried his best to warm the Freezing prime, but everything he did didn't help "Optimus, how are you feeling now?" Megatron asked as Optimus looked at him "S-still c-cold" Optimus said as Megatron hugged him tightly,

577 words, Sorry it's short it is 11:50 pm, and I'm really tired, I will try my best to continue the story

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