Home sweet home

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Megatron's P.O.V

The door opened and I blasted the bots head off, I look forward my optics widen in horror as I see Optimus hanging by chains, his armor blacked by gashes, I walk up to my mate and take him down, and carry him bridal style When I get to where we came in everyone Gasped in horror to see Optimus looking awful, "Megatron put Optimus in my trunk I'll drive him back" I nodded and put Optimus on the med berth and put a breathing mask on his faceplate, I get out and close Ratchet's doors "He's good to go ratchet" I say as I walk up to Ratchets front, "take care of him" I say in my deep voice "I will Megatron don't worry, he is in good servos" I nod and watch ratchet drive away with Optimus, "Let's pack this up" I yell and the troops and bots get to work to get the driller out 

 At the nemesis

Ratchet's P.O.V (why not)

I rush Optimus to the med berth yelling at everyone to move, Once there Knockout comes in and panics "WHAT HAPPENED!" He yelled "Optimus was bot-napped and looks like he was abused" "Poor bot," Knockout says, "What's this?" Knockout asked and pressed a Botten on Optimus, Optimus transformed into a preadacon, "Oh by the AllSpark" I said as I and Knockout backed away from Optimus, Optimus groaned in pain and transformed back to his bot mode, Knockout and I looked at each other before getting the med supplies they needed. Hours passed as they patched up Optimus, Megatron came in once in a while to check up on them Ratchet started to get annoyed and asked Megatron to not come back in until they are done, He understood and left the room.

Optimus's P.O.V

Everything was black and I felt pain everywhere, I couldn't move I was paralyzed I look ahead to see a black figure, it came closer and closer, I growled as it was beside me and lent over to my autoreceptor and I tried to move but I was still paralyzed, the black figure's optics became big and bigger until they popped out of there sockets, The black figure disappeared and I woke up screaming in horror, I look around to see Ratchet and Knockout staring at me "Your okay Optimus, your safe now" Ratchet said in his claiming voice, I sigh and lay back down, the ground started to shake as something or someone came running down the halls, I stare at the door when a big gray frame came in, it was Megatron, Megatron came over to me and wrapped me in a big hug, I wrap my arms around him and hug him, "Thank primus your okay Optimus, what happened?" I sigh and explained what happened, It took about two hours to explain, "Oh Optimus I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that" Knockout said, Megatron came up to me and sat on my berth hugging me not wanting to let go, "We will leave you two alone," Ratchet said as the two medics left, Megatron and I looked at one another before I could speak I felt something weird, I jumped off the berth and transformed into a Predacon, Megatron stared at me with wide optics, "What," I asked him, "y-you transformed into a Predacon" Megatron stumbled, I looked at him and looked into a mirror before yowling.

Megatron's P.O.V

I covered my autoreceptors from Optimus yowl "Optimus, Is this what you meant as they tore you apart?!?!?!, the ground began to shake as Predaking came in and looked at Optimus, "Optimus?" "y-yeah" (Ik the Predacons can't speak in dragon form but I'm lazy so they can talk when they are in dragon form UnU)  "I-its me, and yes Megs this is what I meant" Optimus looked at this paws in front of him, "Predaking? Do you think you can teach Optimus how to fly?" "Of course I can" Optimus looked up at us and roared in happiness and started to chase his tail, Megatron and Predakind chuckled

Optimus x Megatron: The winter stormWhere stories live. Discover now