Help him please!! Part two

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Megaton came running into the med bay with an extremely sick prime, Knockout ordered Megaton to put Optimus on the med berth, and asked Megaton to leave the room so that Knockout could do his tests.

Hours later

Megaton's P.O.V

I walked back and forth in front of the med bay doors until they opened reviling a knocked out Optimus on the med berth and Knockout at the doors looking at Megaton, "Optimus is very ill lord Megaton" Megaton looked at Optimus then to Knockout "there is a cure right?!?!?!?" yes there is but.." "But what"  "Megaton the only way to cure Optimus is to give him a block of...Black Energon" Megaton stared at Knockout, no con nor bot has seen Black Energon since the golden age "I'll send out some troops to go to Cybertron to try and find some" Knockout nodded and went back to check on Optimus, the Med bay doors closed as Megaton went to the control room and got a team of troops ready to go back to Cybertron to look for Black Energon, "Lord Megaton the troops are ready," Shockwave said as he looked at Megaton with his one ruby red optic, Megaton nodded and looked over to his most loyal con 'Soundwave' "Soundwave set course for Cybertron" The silent con nodded and typed in the cornets for Cybertron (Sorry my spelling is bad 😅) The ground bridge opened and the troops and Megaton went through the ground bridge to see their destroyed home, "Okay everyone knows what to look for right" Everyone nodded and began their search. A few hours later everyone regroups and no one has found any black energon until they heard something, it was a very familiar laugh, the laugh was coming from the second in command, "Star scream?!? What's so funny" Megaton asked clearly annoyed, Star scream pulled out a chunk of black energon from his back and looked at megaton with a sinister smile "Looking for this?" Star scream said as he looked back at the black energon, "star scream give me the energon!" "Hmm nah" Star scream did something the broke Megaton's spark, star scream threw the dark energon to the ground and it shattered into pieces, "oops" Star scream then flew away, megaton slowly walked over to the shattered pieces on the metal floor and dropped to his keens and picked up the shattered energon, "Soundwave, we need an ground bridge"

Once everyone came back knockout came running in to check everyone if they had any injures "Anyone have any injures?" Knockout asked out of breath from running from med to control room "No one is hurt knockout but" "But what lord Megaton?" Megaton pulled out a small bag and handed to Knockout, "what's this?" "star scream found the black energon and smashed it, will these shards still hel-" Megaton was cut off by an alarm "What's that" Knockout optics widened, "HOLD ON OPTIMUS" Knockout yelled as he took the black energon bag with him, Megaton followed knockout to the med bay, knockout entered the room and the door closed behind him cutting Megaton off. Knockout ran to Optimus who was glitching badly knockout called for Ratchet who was there in seconds, and helped Optimus to stop glitching,

Hours later

Megaton was pacing back and forth in front of the med bay doors until the medics came out of the med bay, "well how is he!" Megaton asked fear and worry in his optics, "He will recover he just needs rest, "Can I at least see him?" "Of course lord Megaton" Megaton speed walk over to an unconscious Optimus, he sat down beside him and gently grabbed his servo, "M-e-g-a-t-o-n?" Megaton's helm shot up and looked at his spark mate who was starting to walk up "hey how are you feeling" "I-I Feel s-strange" Optimus began to sit him self up but Megaton stopped him "You shouldn't try and move your still recovering" Optimus looked at him ask he went back into a laying position.

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