Winter storm

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Optimus's P.O.V

I vented as I landed in the base landing area, "Optimus" I look over to see Megatron and Predaking fly in, Megatron ran up to me and checked for any injures, "Predaking, Why did those Predacons attack me?" "I don't know Optimus, for now, stay in the base" I nod my helm and transform into my bot mod,  Megatron and I look at one another before Megatron did his evil smirk "Come Optimus, I have something special planned for you" I look at him and blush slightly before following him.

No sorry, I'm not doing any dirty stuff

After a few magical moments 

Megatron's P.O.V

I look at Optimus who was venting heavily, I pull him into a cuddle and feel him snuggle into me, I began to purr as he fell into recharge, I start to close my optics and begin to fall into recharge as well, all of a sudden ship moves and we both fall out of the bed, "what in the pits of kaon was that!" I ask myself, We get up and run to the control room, "what happened!" I roared at everyone In the room, "Sir, we have entered a snowstorm and we are out of power, so we can't move anywhere" I growl and look around and see that the fireplace is out, "do we have any heat sources?" "no," The solder said looking up at me, " We need to find something to keep us warm!, our heaters won't keep us warm for very long, "Megatron, for any bot or deception to do that would be that we would have to go outside, we wouldn't last for very long out there" I look at Optimus and remembered something, "Optimus, do you think you and Predaking can go and look for firewood? You guys would be faster at that than the rest of us" Optimus nodded and went to go look for Predaking. "All alright everyone find something to do to keep yourself warm, until Optimus and Predaking everyone nodded and went to find something to do. I look around for Optimus and Predaking, I come around a corner to see that they are about to fly off, "Optimus, Predaking, Be safe" They look at me and nod before flying out.

Predaking's P.O.V

Optimus and I went out into the snowy woods to get fire wood, I look over to see Optimus yawning and getting wood, the wind starts to pick up and more and more snow comes down, I stack up the wood that I have in my inventory area and look over to see Optimus gripping the ground as the wind was blowing him, he starts to walk over to me, "Preaking, it's to windy, I think we should head inside" " Alright let's head in si-" I stop as I hear something, it sounded like other Predacons, I growl as I see the Predacons coming towards us "RUN" I yell at Optimus who had a scared look on his face, he nodded and started running for the ship's safety, I stay back and start blasting the Predacon but the Predacon wasn't aiming for me " OPTIMUS" I yelled out loud enough for him to hear, he turned around to see the Predacon shooting at him, the snow starts to make my vision blurry, I try and look around when I heard a cry of pain, I look to where the sound as coming from only to see the Predacons that attack attack us fleeing helping in pain "well done optimus" optimus smiled and looked over to the ship, I nod and we head back to the war ship.

Optimus P.O.V

As I and Predaking drop off the firewood I go on a search for Megaton, I walk into my and Megatron's room to see him in the berth in recharge, "hello Optimus" " hi megs" he turns over to see that I had a few cuts in me, I look down at them the at Megatron, " I will be fine Megatron " tell that you Magnus " Megatron howled and dragged me over to bed bay " what happened " Knockout asked as he looked at us " Prime has a few cuts in him, will you path them up" "Of course Lord Megatron" Megatron nodded as I look around, my optics get caught on something, I zoom in just to see the one tool that killed his carrier. I yelped and cried as I left the med bay running out and into my and Megatron's room, I hide in the shadows as his carrier's death went through his processor "Optimus are you in here??!!" I open my optics and since it's dark every bot and con's optics glow in the dark. "There you are, why did you run off like that??" Megatron asked as I whimpered and shook my helm, "what has gotten into you?" Megatron asked a little bit annoyed, He went down on his knees and opened his arms signaling me to hug him, I Craw over to him and snuggle into his chest plate, the sound of his spark relaxed me, "Now, Optimus, what got you so spooked?" "The s-scaper"  Megatron looked at me and sighed, "Optimus, I know that the scraper killed your carrier and your sire but I will make sure the Knockout doesn't use it when you are around, okay" "okay," I said as I yawn and start to fall into recharge, Megatron smiled and gently lifted me up and put me on the berth

Optimus x Megatron: The winter stormWhere stories live. Discover now