Locating Optimus

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Megatron's P.O.V

I stormed through the halls with an angry faceplate and tired and hurt optics, Megatron's processer: I haven't slept ever since Optimus was taken, I will find you sweet spark" I said in my mind as I continued walking down the halls of the warship "Lord Megatron, Bumblebee, Ratchet, and Arcee found some of Optimus's Energon, Optimus is hurt somewhere" "get the Decepticons and Autobots, NOW" "yes lord Megatron" Knockout said as he ran to the control room to get the Decepticons and Autobots, I quickly follow Knockout to see that everyone was ready to get his spark mate back, "Soundwave, send a ground bridge to Optimus's Energon single" soundwave nods and a few seconds later ground bridge opens, I lead the way into the ground bridge and to the other side, once everyone was through I ordered them to look around for any sign of Optimus.

Optimus's P.O.V

I woke up groaning from the pain in my chest I look around sighing when I didn't recognize my surroundings, "good to see that you are awake Prime" says a voice at the door, I fix my optics to the door to see a Predacon standing at the doorway, "What do you want from me" I asked the Perdacon,  "Tell me where the Allspark is and no one gets hurt" "Never" I said as I growled at him, the Perdacon growled and stabbed me in my side, I yowled out in pain "TELL ME WHERE IS THE ALLSPARK" The perdacon roared in anger and turned around and left the room leaving Optimus there, I looked around for any to escape with "ugh com on something anything" I yell whispered to myself, I looked around one last time before seeing a window behind me, I start picking the cuff lock until I heard a click, I move over to my other hand but when my hand reached my other hand, I was shocked, I screamed in pain as the shock get more painful.

Megatron's P.O.V

"Keep looking, we do not leave until we find Optimus!" I yelled and everyone nodded and kept looking until the was a scream heard, everyone stopped and looked in the direction the scream was coming from, It happened again but longer and week, everyone looked at me and I nodded, running over to the sound of the scream, "Look everywhere" "Lord Megatron" "what is it knockout" We found where Optimus is but... it's underground" "The get stuff to go underground then" I snarled at Breakdown "yes sir" breakdown ran off to get the troops, The scream happened again "What is that" Ratchet yelled and looked around "We don't know we think its Optimus" The ground began to shake, as a driller came through and started to drill down, father and father, until it stopped "lord Megatron, we found a dungeon!" yelled one of the Decepticons, I  jumped into the hole and into the dungeon, I started to look around until I saw a door at the end of the hallway on the right.

Optimus's P.O.V

I cried and cried from the pain from the shocker when the guy with the shocker shocked me he stopped and looked at the door, there was a sound of yelling and blasters going off, the guy opens the door to see what's going on, Megatron comes in and blasts the guy's head off "M-Mega-t-Tron? I spoke weakly before blacking out from all of the pain, "Optimus!" was the last words I heard

Hey guys sorry it's a short one, I've been busy with school and my boyfriend's dad invited me to dinner

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