Episode 1 - PT 1: Wake up drowning

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Greg's head was spinning as he finally regained conciseness, like as if his brain was put into a blender. His groans were the only thing he could hear as of right now, and his world was spinning... For some reason this feeling felt natural to him. 

His vision slowly got better, and his senses returned to him, giving him the feeling of sand underneath his hands. (Sand?) Greg sits up and looks around, noticing that he was on a beach. "The hell? I didn't go to sleep on the beach?" He mumbled to himself as he got up and began to walk, stumbling slightly before getting his pace correct.

Conveniently there was a path in the up coming dirt and grass that would no doubt lead him to his house, to which an angry Sasha would be waiting. (Man, she's gonna be angry that I sleep walked again.) And so he walked. And walked. And walked until he felt as though he should've arrived at MineTopia by now.

MineTopia, his current home city, is where he lived. It's where he got married. It's where he met all of his weird and wacky friends. And honestly, since it was only the sounds of the wind and distant birds chirping, he would've liked Moose to be here.

After what felt like an hour or 2 he finally heard the distant sound of people, much to his relief. Much to his bewilderment however, was the fact that this was most certainly not MineTopia.

The buildings seemed like old villager houses, like the kind he'd read about in history books, but the people were definitely advanced with an array of clothes. There were even a bunch of hybrids, which Greg found surprising since he'd really only seen a large handful from Stampy's Lovely World.

He decided to approach one of them. "Um, hello?"

"Oh hey there sir, good day today isn't?" The dog hybrid said before sniffing slightly. "Yeesh you reek of sea salt. Had a little swim earlier?"

"Eh, you could say that. Um, sorry to bother you by the way, but where the hell am I?"

"... Um, well you'd think you would know since you're here, but I'll tell you anyways." Greg waited for a small amount of time since the guy decided to be dramatic.

"You're on the SMP! Or the first island at least. But if you're asking for specifics then-" The guy's voice was drowned out by Greg, who was trying to digest the information just given to him.

(D-Did he just say SMP?... No no no, it couldn't be THE SMP, surely this is just a different one....)

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