Episode 3 - PT 2: Ghosts of Past

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"And this is the library!" Ghostbur told the still slightly tired Greg who yawned in response to that. It was pretty standard; A small area in the middle where you could read, and the rest was bookshelves with books. "Ranboo and Tubbo made it a while ago, and Ranboo runs it!"

"Heh, I guess that's to be expected.... Hey, Ghostbur, how much do you remember exactly? The old Ghostbur could only remember good things, so is that the same here?"

Ghostbur frowned a bit but quickly got over it. "Well, kind of? I-I guess you could say I cycle through memories. One day I can remember most things, and others it's all a blur. Luckily I remember the most important stuff!"

"Heh, that's nice to know I guess."

"..... Would you like to know how me and Sally died?" Ghostbur suddenly asks. Greg doesn't get the chance to respond before he answers. "Welp, I'm pretty sure me and Tommy had bad blood with the rest of our family, and so some kind of fight broke out. The smiley guy also took advantage of this and did some bad stuff. I'm pretty sure a pig guy killed Sally while she was in her salmon form. Anyways, I'm pretty sure I was all sad and since there was no blue around I died. The end!"

".... Um..... I'm not sure how I feel about-"

"Hello Greg from nowhere!" Suddenly Charlie the slime hybrid popped into Greg's vision, making him scream in shock.


"Quackity from Las Nevadas wanted to see you!" Charlie ignored his shouting and happily walked away to where Quackity stood against a wall.

"Okay then. Uh, sorry Ghostbur and Sally, I'll catch up with you guys later."

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